It held very famous models of the first half of Twentieth Century Automobile History, including such representaive cars like a Hispano Suiza Alfonso XIII from 1910, a Hispano Suiza H6B from 1925, a Hispano-Suiza H6C from 1933, a 1935 Hispano-Suiza K-6 Type with a body made by Fernández and Darrin in Paris in 1936, a 1932 Bugatti Type 49 with a Ruckstuhl made body, an almost brand new Fiat Topolino, the only 1938 avantgarde convertible Citroen on earth with body made by the Swiss designer Bernath, a 1907 Renault, a 1904 De Dion Bouton Type W, a 1924 Hotchkiss Type AM, and many others, along with a comprehensive assortment of motorcycles belonging to legendary brands like Indian, Zundapp, Condor, BSA, Sunbeam, Motosacoche, BMW, Universal, Rudge and others.
It likewise contained a fairly wide and valuable range of all colour original vintage posters sporting a very good condition, and black and white photographs of the time - above all related to the figure of the genius Jean Birgkitt, creator of the mythical Hispano-Suiza engines- and diagrams of his excelent power plants, it all graphically displaying a golden period of the European and world motoring.
But after eleven years of existence of the Jean Tua Museum of the Automobile, Motorcycle and Cycle, which became the most important international benchmark in variety and quality of Hispano-Suizas, being highly successful and worldwide famous, with visitors arrived from every corner of the globe to watch this great automobile trove and cultural heritage, in December 2005, the old age of Professor Jean Tua, who was then 81 years old, and the lack of support and understanding of the political authorities of the city, made this generous man, whose top priority was the preservation of the highly valuable cars, motorcycles and cycles of his collection (which so much effort and thousands of hours of research and restoring he had devoted to during his whole lifetime) take the sad decision to close the Jean Tua Museum of the Automobile - that included nothing less than 140 original vehicles and was throughout fourteeen years one of the best in the world- , and put everything on sale through Osenal Paris Auction House, in an auction which took place at the very Jean Tua Museum of the Automobile on December 16, 2005.
Probably, the kind Professor Jean Tua, who loved his cars, motorcycles and cycles as sons, hadn´t any other choice, since his physical condition and stamina were dwindled due to his old age and he couldn´t keep on making the suitable maintaining and overhauling of the vehicles, not only because of the pricey investment it needed, but mainly because having these classic cars and motorcycles in perfect condition requires special liquids and a painstaking labour with the upholstery and many hours of devotion with artesan parameters.
That way ended, in a very sorrowful way, the existence of this wonderful museum, with the collection spread all over the world in hands of private owners, which prevented the many enthusiasts of the classic cars and motorcycles from the chance to know it for ever, its memory being also finally lost.
Or maybe not?

It is the direct heir of the Hispano-Suiza J12 model and features a 6 cylinder and 5.1 litres engine delivering 120 CV.
This car was made to compete with the Bugattis 57, the 3.6 litres Bentleys and the Delages D8. Its top speed was 130 km/h and was able to speed up from 0 to 100 km/h in 12.5 seconds.
There were other top-notch coachbuilders working on K6s, like Van Vooren and Kellner.

This tremendous V12 9,4 litres 9,425 cc powerplant - the most powerful on earth inside a car at the moment- sported overhead valves and an amazingly quiet operation, featured one carburetor and two valves per cylinder driven by a lateral camshaft with beams. It excelled among other sides in its amazingly silent functioning in spite of its great power, beating in this regard the 6 cylinder engine of the H6 and H6B and the 8 cylinders power plant of the H6C, which were noisier because of the direct drive of its valves.
With a double sparking plug ignition, it was able to deliver 220 hp at 3,000 r.p.m and a tremendous for the time 550 N m at 1,700 r.p.m torque, which was even more enhanced from 1935, with a new 250 hp and 11,310 c.c J12 engine, whose torque was raised to 770 Nm and allowed this car to reach the very high for the time top speed of 170 km/h.
Each of the Hispano-Suiza J12 engines was carved on a 318 kg metal block through absolutely handcrafted parameters of the highest conceivable standards, and its flawlessly working reliability was comparable to the best Swiss horology manufactures, to such an extent that to show it a round trip was made between Paris and Niza without any water or lubricant change.
Though the Hispano-Suiza H6 series cars had been revolutionary and highly successful in sales, offering speed, luxury, gorgeous quality and an unequalled level of craftsmanship, with a fantastic 6 cylinder, 6.5 liter overhead-camshaft engine capable of yielding 135 hp (with a camshaft which was shaft-driven and operated the valves, with the power plant located in the front and powering the rear wheels, and being able to reach 85 miles/h), there was a moment in which the 1932 Hispano-Suiza H6C engine delivering 7983 cc (with which it was reached the then feasible technical limit with a 6 cylinder design, changing the cylinder size of the straight-six cylinder powerplant) was not powerful enough to face the increasing competence of other brands like Bugatti, Rolls-Royce, Duesenberg, and others (Hispano-Suiza and Bugatti had reigned supreme between 1910 and 1931), and on the other hand, Hispano-Suiza customers wanted heavier and heavier custom-built bodies to keep pace with luxury, so the need to build a larger powerplant became apparent for Marc Birgikt, whose brainstorm had already created the wonderful H6 series engines - the best in terms of pure mechanic engineering, very wise solutions and true innovation- and now was bound to design this exceedingly mighty new V12 Hispano-Suiza powerplant, with amazing features more corresponding to the aviation sphere and with which Hispano-Suiza managed once more to beat the rest of prominent brands of the world automobile scope, inclusing Bugatti, until its end in 1936, as a consequence not only of the very high production cost, but specially because of the Spanish Civil War and the economic uncertainty of those convulsed years in Europe.

If we bear in mind that the engines designed by Marc Birkigt for Hispano-Suiza cars and planes of many airlines of different countries were to great extent the forerunners of them all, we can understand the huge historical and technological significance of these everlasting classic cars, together with their very high manufacturing cost.

This model featured two interesting innovations: a rear suspension through torsion bar and a hydraulic assistance for braking.
It was designed by the German Fritz Friedler and was originally presented at the Berlin Automobile Show in February 1936.

This great car - one of the best in all the history of world motoring- was a big sales success and meant a highly praiseworthy triumph for the binomium made up by the genius Marc Birkigt (designer of engines and Technical Director of Hispano-Suiza) and the remarkable Catalonian enterpreneur Damián Mateu (a visionary man gifted with intuition to spare, who from the very instant he met Birkigt, realized the immense talent of the Swiss engineer, so he financed the project for him).
Its launching into market began in 1910, with the highest percentage of sold units corresponding to the year 1912, and its manufactuing went on until 1914.
This was the automobile which finally raised the firm to the highest positions of the international market, not only in terms of sales, but also regarding an immense really earned prestige, because from the dawn of the firm, Marc Birgikt (who was a great admirer of Henry Royce) strove after reaching a top-notch quality, precision level and mechanical reliability equal or in some sides superior to Rolls-Royce cream of the crop, and he achieved it to a great extent, in such a way that the British specialized press openly accoladed this great car, exceedingly agile, with an excellent performance and outstandingl behaviour as an all-around mechanical thorughbred which could be used for quiet excursions and competition alike.
The King of Spain Alfonso XIII, a devoted lover of cars and also an enthusiast of the automobile and aviation mechanics, became one of the most important promoters of the brand Hispano-Suiza all over the world, and in early twenties he had already turned into an authority on automobile topics (after a romance of fifteen years that had begun in 1905 in Sagunto, when Francisco Abadal, then commercial agent of the firm in Barcelona, allowed him to test one of the first Hispano-Suiza cars made in the city), progressively acquiring very good knowledge on mechanics, always paying attention even to the most minute details and steadily in contact with Marc Birgikt, the rest of technicians and the elite coachwork men.
In 1913, Marc Birkigt improved even more the mechanics of this excellent car.
It was the first Hispano Suiza to bear the logo of the firm on the radiator, being considered the first sporting car in history.

Made at the factory of Boes Colombes (Francia), it was introduced at the 1919 Paris Motor Show, instantly becoming the best car on earth, providing an exceptional comfort and featuring the first power-assisted brake in history working on the thick drums of the four wheels, enabling it to slow down in very few meters.
Hispano Suizas H6 and H6B are mechanically almost identical cars (the H6B being an uprated and shortened version which turned it into a very good racing car), and the change of denomination from H6 to H6B wasn´t because of being different models with significant differences, but due to the launching of the H6C Model, to fill the gap in the previous letter before the C.
The H6B engine reached its top power at relatively low 3,000 r.p.m, and boasted astounding elasticity and torque qualities as proved by the 100 hp at 2,000 r.p.m it was able to attain.

Throughout its existence as a manufacturer of automobiles brand, the bodies of Hispano-Suiza cars were made by the best coachwork experts in the world like Van Vooren, Fernández and Darrin, Franay, Kellner, Gangloff, Chapron, Marchand, Binder, Letourneur, Million-Guiet and others, with artisan parameters without any compromise, in the same was as happened with the engines created by Marc Birgikt, so Hispano-Suiza became a world flagship in the high level scope of cars, only equalled by Bugatti and in some cases by automobiles made by Rolls-Royce and Duesenberg.
It brought about that Hispano-Suiza gave birth of some of the most beautiful cars ever made, and only the best aforementioned coachwork makers in the world were comissioned to build the bodies of Hispano-Suiza automobiles, something which greatly began at the time when it delivered its first rolling chassis H6 models to custom coach builders to assemble them, bringing forth unique and custom bodies matching the power, ingenuity and performance of the chassis components, and only the best aforementioned coachwork makers in the world were comissioned to build the bodies of Hispano-Suiza automobiles, something which greatly began at the time when it delivered its first rolling chassis H6 models to custom coach builders to assemble them and cover them with extraordinary handcrafted bodies made according to customers´ tastes and with the added benefit of a superior welding.

This new powerplant kept the 140 mm bore of H6 and H6B previous engines, but increased the diameter of the pistons from 100 to 110 mm (so the rest of mechanic systems and frameworks were the same), also raising the power from the 120 hp at 2400 rpm of the H6B up to the nominal 144 hp (really 160 hp) at 2500 rpm and the capacity to 7,982 cc.
This formidable engine was the evolutive peak of the six cylinders in line powerplants created by Mark Birgikt from 1919 (year of presentation of the Hispano-Suiza H6 with its original 6597 cc in the Automobile Show of Paris) which featured an overhead camshaft, along with a seven bearing crankshaft milled from a 272 kg steel billet which was converted into a very strong 16 kg unit.
However incredible it may seem, the scheme of this Hispano-Suiza H6 series cars powerplant (perhaps the most significant mechanical achievement in the whole history of car motoring) was identical in nothing less than a 50% to the aviation V12 aircraft designed by Marc Birgikt, likewise sporting water ducts covered with a special enamel avoiding corrosion for many decades.

The carburetor was fed by gravity through an elevated tank, so avoiding air pumping systems, and its refrigeration was by means of a thermosiphon to do without the water pump.
The manufacture of this car (which achieved important sales due to its low price and the very good reliability and durability of its engine) by Hispano-Suiza was a decision taken in 1907 by Damián Dalmau, president of the firm, who asked Marc Birgikt to create a lesser category car with a lower price tag than the luxurious ones already being produced, with the aim of enticing a more popular clientele, in search of a manufacturing economy, so the Swiss engineer simplified the design of his 2,112 c.c engine adopting the aforementioned more simple specifications.

This legendary French car caused a sensation at the London Crystal Palace Show held from January 30 to February 7 of 1903, where a comprehensive selection of De Dion-Bouton manufactured automobiles were displayed with different coachworks, and it became one of the most sold cars in Europe thanks to its exceptional price/performance ratio, being significantly cheaper than the typical high end brands cars of the period, but boasting a very good and exceedingly reliable engine, which was another full-fledged mechanical wonder, and brought about the popular nickname The Reliable Car with which it was known all over the world.
Its success was so big that even the great English engineer Sir David Salomons -who was then one of the most important scientists in the world and an authority on automobile engines and mechanics-, fascinated by its motor reliability, amazingly cheap maintenance cost and impeccable performance for many years was one of the purchasers of De Dion-Bouton cars and used them every day.

The De Dion-Bouton Type W 1903 car boasted among others the following special features:
- An automatic oil circulating pump, and one charge was enough for covering 350 miles.
- A special device on exhaust camshaft, by means of which the compression could be reduced, so that the motor starting could be easily made.
- A new gear with sliding pinions in oil-tight aluminium case, bolted direct to the differential gear case, and the whole firmly fixed on the frame.
- Power transmitted to the road wheels by the highly efficient De Dion-Bouton patent Cardan axles, which made chains unnecessary.
Amazingly, Dion-Bouton cars go on alive and kicking, being present in the most important international classic cars shows and races like the Royal Automobile Club´s London-Brighton Veteran Car Run, International Beaulieu Autojumble, Silverston Classic, etc, and in this regard, the labour made by De Dion Bouton Club of United Kingdom, founded in 2006 and with members not only in Great Britain but also in more than ten other countries all over the world, has been instrumental in the current Renaissance of The Reliable Cars.
Even, Mr Austin Parkinson, a member of the Veteran Car Club of Great Britain and a world class authority on De Dion-Bouton cars, has taken part with his 2 cylinder and 10 hp engined Type W 1903 in a lot of long distance rallies since 1973 all over England and Europe, having covered more than 60,000 miles, and makes professionally manufactured replacement parts for early De Dion- Bouton vehicles made between 1898 and 1904, including the reliable par excellence twin cylinder 10 hp Type W 1903.

This car won the Rally of Montecarlo - the most exacting competition held then in Europe for touring cars- in 1936.

Delahaye made cars in Paris from 1894 to 1954 and its cars are among the most desirable French collectors automobiles.
They included features like push-button door opening, carefully tailored leather upholstery, chromium-plated engine accessories, Cotal electric gear box and a complete set of engine instruments on the dashboard.

In the same way as happened with the Citröen Type B2 standard (with such a good performance/price ratio, that André Citröen created a fleet of Paris taxis with a special version of it which worked in the French capital for almost 12 years), this sporting model attained a high success, because of its sturdiness and economy, being fully equipped with headlights and tyres.

Condor Company, which had been founded in 1893 by the brothers Eduard and Jules Scheffer, created some of the best bycicles in the world between late XIX Century and the first four decades of the Twentieth one, but it was Otto Fricker, head of the motorcycle division of the brand, who catapulted it to its highest, managing to win a lot of official races in late twenties and early thirties in which Condor motorcycles held a sway over a number of other motorcycles made by different internationally praised firms, and even after the Second World War, Condor designed superb motorcycles for the Swiss Army like the 578 cc and 750 cc side valve transverse twin shaft drive.
Condor was a very high quality Swiss firm devoted to the building of motorcycles. It had its main factory in Courfaivre and was along with the also great Motosacoches the most prominent motorcycle manufacturer of Switzerland.
From Condor production of its first motorcycle in 1901 under the directorship of Fricker, it became apparent that production followed greatly handcrafted parameters with very high standard of quality and noble metals in its construction, along with the choice of different engines like Moser, Zedel, Motosacoche and Villiers - the latter during the last stage of the concern-.

Copyright Text and Photos: José Manuel Serrano Esparza