Hoy 5 de Mayo de 2013 se ha producido el accidente de un birreactor HA-200 Saeta en el aeródromo de Cuatro Vientos durante la exhibición de la FIO, aproximadamente a las 13:50 h de la tarde, cuando por motivos que se desconocen, el avión, equipado con dos turbinas Turbomeca Marboré II A de 400 kg de empuje cada una, perdió su trayectoria habitual para aterrizar tras finalizar su intervención y durante un viraje su energía fue disminuyendo hasta que cayó y se estrelló contra un hangar de helicópteros de la Policía Nacional contiguo al aeródromo, provocando una explosión acompañada de gran llamarada inicial y subsiguiente densa humareda, siendo el incendio apagado en muy pocos minutos por unidades de bomberos de Aena y del Ayuntamiento de Madrid que actuaron con gran rapidez y consiguieron sacar al piloto, que había quedado atrapado dentro de la aeronave como consecuencia del impacto, y fue trasladado en ambulancia en estado muy grave al Hospital de Getafe.
En estas imágenes puede verse la secuencia completa del triste accidente:
El HA-200 Saeta inicia un viraje descendente
que prosigue su rumbo,
pero por motivos que se desconocen, de repente, la aeronave pierde su trayectoria habitual de regreso a pista para aterrizar, experimenta una visible pérdida de potencia
y comienza a volar a una altitud excesivamente baja, muy próxima a la zona superior de la torre de antena de radio que se aprecia en la imagen y sus cables de sujeción.
La tragedia está a punto de producirse. La altura remanente con respecto al suelo es muy escasa, y el aparato comienza a caer.
El avión continúa cayendo y se halla ya a muy pocos metros del suelo, volando a la altura de un tramo color blanco de la zona inferior de la torre de antena de radio, justo un instante antes de estrellarse contra el hangar de helicópteros de la Policía Nacional.
Primer plano de la aeronave, aproximadamente medio segundo antes del impacto contra el hangar de helicópteros de la Policía Nacional.
El aparato acaba de estrellarse contra el hangar de helicópteros de la Policía Nacional y una gran bola de fuego seguida por humo muy denso se eleva en el cielo.
Muchos espectadores, horrorizados, se llevan las manos a la cabeza.
Todo el mundo ha quedado profundamente afectado por el accidente que acaban de ver. Se teme por la vida del piloto.
Aunque conocemos la identidad del piloto del HA-200 Saeta accidentado desde las 13:55 h de la tarde, ya que nos informó sobre ello una persona presente hoy en Cuatro Vientos y cuyo hijo (que también se encontraba entre el público asistente viendo la exhibición de vuelo) era amigo suyo, entendemos que el respeto a la familia ha de ser la máxima prioridad, por lo que hemos esperado hasta las 6 de la tarde para subir este modesto artículo, ya que según nuestras informaciones, el piloto (cuya identidad estimamos que corresponde a la familia o a la propia FIO desvelar) había sido trasladado al Hospital de Getafe en estado muy grave, aún con vida, y además, al parecer el padre del aviador accidentado se hallaba también presente entre los espectadores viendo la exhibición aérea cuando tuvo lugar el siniestro, cuyas causas se desconocen (habrá que esperar el profundo estudio de los pilotos y mecánicos profesionales de la FIO y los integrantes de la Comisión de Investigación de Accidentes de Aviación Civil, para conocer las circunstancias reales que lo provocaron, por lo que se debería respetar su labor y no especular alegremente, sino aguardar el dictamen de personas que dedican su vida entera a la aviación, acumulan una experiencia de miles de horas de vuelo a sus espaldas, poseen unos conocimientos muy profundos y llevan décadas arriesgando sus vidas por amor a estos bellísimos aviones y a la divulgación de la Historia y el Patrimonio de la Aviación Española).
Igualmente, hace muy pocos minutos se ha comunicado la noticia de que el piloto accidentado, gran profesional con notable experiencia de vuelo, ha fallecido en el hospital a causa de las graves quemaduras sufridas en el momento de la colisión de la aeronave contra el hangar de helicópteros de la Policía Nacional, a unos 400 metros de la zona donde se encontraba el público, habiéndose revelado ya su identidad.
Se trata de Ladislao Tejedor Romero, comandante del Ejército del Aire, con gran experiencia como instructor de vuelo en la Escuela de Talavera la Real, piloto de caza y piloto demostrador de F-18 en el Ala 12 y que era además uno de los tres pilotos asignados al HA-200 Saeta.
En otro orden de cosas, el HA-200 Saeta siniestrado no es ninguna "avioneta", tal y como se ha publicado en algunos medios de comunicación, sino un birreactor de entrenamiento avanzado y caza ligero de ataque a suelo diseñado en 1955 por el ingeniero aeronáutico alemán Willy Messerschmitt y el primer avión a reacción fabricado en España, que en 1957 era uno de los tres mejores aparatos de propulsión a chorro de su tipo a nivel mundial, tal y como demostró el piloto de pruebas de La Hispano Aviación S.A de Sevilla Pedro Santacruz durante su formidable exhibición de vuelo realizada en Le Bourguet 1957, que asombró a la prensa especializada mundial.
Es asimismo uno de los más legendarios reactores en la Historia de la Aviación, en cuyo diseño y fabricación participó también el Profesor Gero Madelung (- una de las figuras clave a finales de los años setenta en la génesis de la pujante industria europea aeronáutica en el sector de la aviación comercial con el Proyecto Airbus anglo-germano-francés, que se consolidó plenamente durante los años setenta, cuando MBB aportó un 38% del capital total del consorcio Airbus Industrie Jetliner Comercial y fabricó un elevado porcentaje de partes del fuselaje de los Airbus A-300 y Airbus A-310 que fueron llevados en avión a la fábrica de Aérospatiale en Toulouse, Francia, para su ensamblaje final-), hoy por hoy uno de los mayores expertos del mundo en sistemas de propulsión y diseños aerodinámicos y estructurales de aviones, Ingeniero Jefe entre 1960 y 1965 del diseño del avión experimental de despegue vertical VJ 101 y sus variantes, Director de la División de Aviación Militar de MBB GmbH y del Programa de Formación de prototipos del MRCA Avión de Combate Polivalente Tornado (sustitutos del Lockheed F-104 Starfighter, que darían lugar al Panavia Tornado final en 1974 y cuya entrada en servicio se produjo en 1979) en 1973 (optimizando la igualdad entre las unidades de preproducción y las de producción standard y desarrollando en las instalaciones MBB de Ottobrunn un avanzadísimo simulador dotado con sistema computerizado híbrido analógico-digital con dispositivo visual capaz de volar a Mach 2, además de elaborar un diseño de configuración alar de geometría variable potenciador del arrastre inducido bajo del ala en su posición de alta aspect ratio tanto recta como en semiflecha, lo cual confería al MRCA una tremenda maniobrabilidad, sobre todo hasta Mach 1, pese a disponer de una ratio empuje/peso inferior a la del F-15), Director Ejecutivo de Panavia Aircraft GmbH desde la fundación de la compañía en 1969 hasta 1978 (siendo uno de los más importantes ingenieros jefes del Proyecto Anglo-Alemán-Italiano Panavia Tornado junto con B.O.Heath y Ricardo Mautino, estableciendo la filosofía esencial de diseño del aparato que fue descrita por Oskar Friedrich de MBB y Brian Young de British Aerospace durante el 10º Congreso de la ICAS celebrado en Ottawa a principios de Octubre de 1976 como cazabombardero avanzado STOL con énfasis en la función integrada global y el rendimiento de la célula logrados mediante la síntesis de todos los sistemas), y actual Catedrático de Aeronáutica en la Universidad Técnica de Munich) y un eximio elenco de ingenieros aeronáuticos españoles como José Javier Ruiz, Rafael Rubio Elola, José María Cerdeño, Angel Figueroa Gómez, Jaime Esteva Salom y otros.
Por otra parte, la Fundación Infante de Orleans (organización totalmente privada, financiada a través de la aportación de sus socios, de la propia fundación y del muy asequible precio de entrada para el público visitante), está reconocida internacionalmente hoy por hoy como una de las más prestigiosas del mundo en su ámbito de aviones clásicos en vuelo, cuenta con pilotos y mecánicos de altísima cualificación y experiencia y lleva a cabo un muy exhaustivo mantenimiento y puesta a punto de las aeronaves, habiéndose caracterizado siempre por las enormemente estrictas medidas de seguridad de las exhibiciones aéreas que organiza, y durante toda su trayectoria ya de muchos años (nada menos que 24 desde su fundación en 1989) no había tenido ni un sólo accidente, un hito sin precedentes hasta el desgraciado suceso de hoy.
Desde estas líneas queremos expresar nuestro más sentido pésame a la familia del gran piloto fallecido.
Ladislao Tejedor Romero durante su exhibición aérea con el Saeta HA-200 en el aeródromo de Cuatro Vientos el 5 de mayo de 2013. Descanse en Paz
Copyright Texto y Fotos: José Manuel Serrano Esparza
domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013
Today May 5, 2013 there has been an air accident of a HA-200 Saeta Twin-Jet aircraft at Cuatro Vientos Airport during the monthly FIO Exhibition at approximately 13:42 h in the afternoon, when because of unknown reasons, the airplane, equipped by two Turbomeca Marboré II A turbojets featuring 400 kg thrust each, lost its usual trajectory to land after finishing its air show and its power was decreasing during a turn until it fell and crashed against the police hangar of helicopters, located by the airdrome, resulting in an explosion with great flames and subsequent dense cloud of smoke, the fire being extinguished in very few minutes by AENA and Madrid firemen, who operated with great quickness and managed to draw the pilot, who had been trapped inside the airplane as a consequence of the impact, and was taken by ambulance, very seriously injured, to Getafe Hospital.
The complete sequence of the sad accident can be seen in these images:
The HA-200 Saeta begins a descending turn
which progressively describes its course,
but because of unknown reasons, suddenly the aircraft loses its usual trajectory of return to the airstrip to land, experiences a visible power loss
and starts flying at an exceedingly low altitude, very near the upper area of the radio antenna tower and its supporting cables
The tragedy is about to happen. The remaining altitude to the ground is very scarce, and the aircraft begins to fall.
The airplane goes on falling and is already at very few meters on the ground, flying at the height of the white painted lower area of the radio antenna tower, just an instant before crashing against the police hangar of helicopters.
Close-up of the aircraft, approximately half a second before crashing against the police hangar.
The aircraft has just crashed against the police hangar and a large fireball raises in the air, followed by dense smoke.
Many spectators throw their hands over their heads in horror.
People are in dismay and shock immediately after having watched the utterly unexpected accident. Everybody is highly worried about the pilot.
Although we know the identity of the pilot of the HA-200 Saeta involved in the accident from 13:55 h in the afternoon, because we were reported about it by a person who was present today at Cuatro Vientos airdrome and whose son (who was also watching the flight exhibition in situ) was a friend of the pilot, we deem that the respect for the family must be top priority, so we have waited until 18:00 h in the afternoon to publish this humble article, because according to our information, the pilot (whose identity we think that either the family or the FIO are the appropriate people to reveal it) had been taken to Getafe Hospital being very seriously injured, and besides the father of the pilot was also among the public at the moment of the accident.
Likewise, a few minutes ago the news has been reported that the pilot, a highly qualified and experienced professional featuring a lot of years of experience, has died at the hospital because of the very serious burns suffered at the moment of the collision of the plane against the helicopters hangar of the airdrome police (it will be necessary to wait for the deep study of both the FIO professional pilots and mechanics and the members of the Civil Aviation Commission of Investigation of Accidents to thoroughly know the real circumstances which provoked the crash, so nobody should speculate but wait for the final conclusions reached by persons who devote their entire lives to aviation, feature exceedingly deep knowledge and have been risking their own lives for decades because of love towards these highly beautiful airplanes and the divulgation of the History and Heritage of the Spanish Aviation).
And his identity has already been revealed: Ladislao Tejedor Romero, major of the Spanish Air Force, who featured great experience as a flight instructor in the School of Talavera la Real and also as a fighter pilot and demonstration pilot of F-18 in the Wing 12 and was likewise one of the three pilots assigned to fly the HA-200 Saeta.
On the other hand, the HA-200 Saeta is not any ´avioneta´ as has been published in some online media, but an advanced training and light ground-attack fighter twin-jet aircraft designed in 1955 by the German aeronautic engineer Willy Messerschmitt and the first jet airplane made in Spain, which in 1957 was one of the best aircraft of its type in the world, as was proved by Pedro Santacruz during his formidable flight exhibition made in Le Bourguet in 1957, which dumbfounded the aviation specialized international press.
It is also one of the most legendary jet aircraft in the History of Aviation, in whose manufacture took also part Professor Gero Madelung (- one of the key figures in late sixties in the genesis of the thriving European aeronautic industry within the sphere of commercial aircraft business with the Anglo-German-French Airbus Project, which greatly consolidated during seventies, when MBB provided a 38% of the whole capital of the Airbus Industrie commercial jetliner consortium and manufactured a high percentage of parts of the Airbus A-300 and Airbus A-310 that were taken by plane to the Aérospatiale facilities in Toulouse, France, for their final assembly- ), currently one of the foremost experts in the world on propulsion systems and aerodynamic and structural designs of airplanes, Chief Engineer between 1960 and 1965 of the design of the vertical takeoff VJ 101 experimental aircraft and its variants, Director of the Division of Military Aviation of MBB GmbH and of the formation of prototypes of the MRCA Tornado (substitute of the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter) - which would give birth in 1974 to the final Panavia Tornado, whose entrance into service was in 1979- in 1973 (optimizing the similitude between the preproduction batch and the standard production units and developing at the Ottobrunn MBB facilities a state-of-the-art simulator featuring a hybrid analogue-digital computerized system with visual device able to fly at Mach 2, as well as making a variable-geometry wing configuration design enhancing the low induced drag from the wing in its high-aspect-ratio unswept or semi-swept position, which provided the MRCA with a tremendous manoeuvrability, specially up to Mach 1, in spite of sporting a lower thrust/weight ratio than the F-15), Managing Director of Panavia Aircraft GmbH from its foundation in 1969 until 1978, having also been Executive Director of MBB and one of the most significant chied engineers of of the Anglo-German-Italian Panavia Tornado Program along with B.O. Heath and Ricardo Mautino, setting forth the essential keynote of the aircraft which was explained by Oskar Friedrich from MBB and Brian Young from British Aerospace during the 10th Congress of the ICAS held in Ottawa in early October 1976 as an advanced STOL fighter-bomber focusing the global integrated function and performance of the airframe attained by the the synthesis of all systems) and is presently Professor of Aeronautics at the Technical University of Munich) and a remarkable group of Spanish aeronautical engineers as José Javier Ruiz, Rafael Rubio Elola, José María Cerdeño, Angel Figueroa Gómez, Jaime Esteva Salom and others.
The Infante of Orleans Foundation is currently worldwide recognized as one of the most prestigious within its scope of classical aircraft in flight, has highly qualified and experienced pilots and mechanics, and throughout all of its many working years (nothing more than 24 since its inception in 1989) it hadn´t had not even an accident, an unprecedented landmark until today sad unexpected development.
From these lines, we wish to convey our condolences to the family of this great pilot.
Ladislao Tejedor Romero during his flight exhibition with the HA-200 Saeta of FIO at the airdrome of Cuatro Vientos. May he rest in peace
Copyright Text and Photos: José Manuel Serrano Esparza
Today May 5, 2013 there has been an air accident of a HA-200 Saeta Twin-Jet aircraft at Cuatro Vientos Airport during the monthly FIO Exhibition at approximately 13:42 h in the afternoon, when because of unknown reasons, the airplane, equipped by two Turbomeca Marboré II A turbojets featuring 400 kg thrust each, lost its usual trajectory to land after finishing its air show and its power was decreasing during a turn until it fell and crashed against the police hangar of helicopters, located by the airdrome, resulting in an explosion with great flames and subsequent dense cloud of smoke, the fire being extinguished in very few minutes by AENA and Madrid firemen, who operated with great quickness and managed to draw the pilot, who had been trapped inside the airplane as a consequence of the impact, and was taken by ambulance, very seriously injured, to Getafe Hospital.
The complete sequence of the sad accident can be seen in these images:
The HA-200 Saeta begins a descending turn
which progressively describes its course,
but because of unknown reasons, suddenly the aircraft loses its usual trajectory of return to the airstrip to land, experiences a visible power loss
The tragedy is about to happen. The remaining altitude to the ground is very scarce, and the aircraft begins to fall.
The airplane goes on falling and is already at very few meters on the ground, flying at the height of the white painted lower area of the radio antenna tower, just an instant before crashing against the police hangar of helicopters.
Close-up of the aircraft, approximately half a second before crashing against the police hangar.
The aircraft has just crashed against the police hangar and a large fireball raises in the air, followed by dense smoke.
Many spectators throw their hands over their heads in horror.
People are in dismay and shock immediately after having watched the utterly unexpected accident. Everybody is highly worried about the pilot.
Although we know the identity of the pilot of the HA-200 Saeta involved in the accident from 13:55 h in the afternoon, because we were reported about it by a person who was present today at Cuatro Vientos airdrome and whose son (who was also watching the flight exhibition in situ) was a friend of the pilot, we deem that the respect for the family must be top priority, so we have waited until 18:00 h in the afternoon to publish this humble article, because according to our information, the pilot (whose identity we think that either the family or the FIO are the appropriate people to reveal it) had been taken to Getafe Hospital being very seriously injured, and besides the father of the pilot was also among the public at the moment of the accident.
Likewise, a few minutes ago the news has been reported that the pilot, a highly qualified and experienced professional featuring a lot of years of experience, has died at the hospital because of the very serious burns suffered at the moment of the collision of the plane against the helicopters hangar of the airdrome police (it will be necessary to wait for the deep study of both the FIO professional pilots and mechanics and the members of the Civil Aviation Commission of Investigation of Accidents to thoroughly know the real circumstances which provoked the crash, so nobody should speculate but wait for the final conclusions reached by persons who devote their entire lives to aviation, feature exceedingly deep knowledge and have been risking their own lives for decades because of love towards these highly beautiful airplanes and the divulgation of the History and Heritage of the Spanish Aviation).
And his identity has already been revealed: Ladislao Tejedor Romero, major of the Spanish Air Force, who featured great experience as a flight instructor in the School of Talavera la Real and also as a fighter pilot and demonstration pilot of F-18 in the Wing 12 and was likewise one of the three pilots assigned to fly the HA-200 Saeta.
On the other hand, the HA-200 Saeta is not any ´avioneta´ as has been published in some online media, but an advanced training and light ground-attack fighter twin-jet aircraft designed in 1955 by the German aeronautic engineer Willy Messerschmitt and the first jet airplane made in Spain, which in 1957 was one of the best aircraft of its type in the world, as was proved by Pedro Santacruz during his formidable flight exhibition made in Le Bourguet in 1957, which dumbfounded the aviation specialized international press.
It is also one of the most legendary jet aircraft in the History of Aviation, in whose manufacture took also part Professor Gero Madelung (- one of the key figures in late sixties in the genesis of the thriving European aeronautic industry within the sphere of commercial aircraft business with the Anglo-German-French Airbus Project, which greatly consolidated during seventies, when MBB provided a 38% of the whole capital of the Airbus Industrie commercial jetliner consortium and manufactured a high percentage of parts of the Airbus A-300 and Airbus A-310 that were taken by plane to the Aérospatiale facilities in Toulouse, France, for their final assembly- ), currently one of the foremost experts in the world on propulsion systems and aerodynamic and structural designs of airplanes, Chief Engineer between 1960 and 1965 of the design of the vertical takeoff VJ 101 experimental aircraft and its variants, Director of the Division of Military Aviation of MBB GmbH and of the formation of prototypes of the MRCA Tornado (substitute of the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter) - which would give birth in 1974 to the final Panavia Tornado, whose entrance into service was in 1979- in 1973 (optimizing the similitude between the preproduction batch and the standard production units and developing at the Ottobrunn MBB facilities a state-of-the-art simulator featuring a hybrid analogue-digital computerized system with visual device able to fly at Mach 2, as well as making a variable-geometry wing configuration design enhancing the low induced drag from the wing in its high-aspect-ratio unswept or semi-swept position, which provided the MRCA with a tremendous manoeuvrability, specially up to Mach 1, in spite of sporting a lower thrust/weight ratio than the F-15), Managing Director of Panavia Aircraft GmbH from its foundation in 1969 until 1978, having also been Executive Director of MBB and one of the most significant chied engineers of of the Anglo-German-Italian Panavia Tornado Program along with B.O. Heath and Ricardo Mautino, setting forth the essential keynote of the aircraft which was explained by Oskar Friedrich from MBB and Brian Young from British Aerospace during the 10th Congress of the ICAS held in Ottawa in early October 1976 as an advanced STOL fighter-bomber focusing the global integrated function and performance of the airframe attained by the the synthesis of all systems) and is presently Professor of Aeronautics at the Technical University of Munich) and a remarkable group of Spanish aeronautical engineers as José Javier Ruiz, Rafael Rubio Elola, José María Cerdeño, Angel Figueroa Gómez, Jaime Esteva Salom and others.
The Infante of Orleans Foundation is currently worldwide recognized as one of the most prestigious within its scope of classical aircraft in flight, has highly qualified and experienced pilots and mechanics, and throughout all of its many working years (nothing more than 24 since its inception in 1989) it hadn´t had not even an accident, an unprecedented landmark until today sad unexpected development.
From these lines, we wish to convey our condolences to the family of this great pilot.
Ladislao Tejedor Romero during his flight exhibition with the HA-200 Saeta of FIO at the airdrome of Cuatro Vientos. May he rest in peace
Copyright Text and Photos: José Manuel Serrano Esparza
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