José Manuel Serrano Esparza
Leica Camera AG acaba de anunciar el producto de mayor calado de esta Photokina 2012: la Leica M full frame con sensor estado del arte Max CMOS de 24 megapíxels, una jugada maestra verdaderamente inesperada, que se convierte de modo instantáneo en el nuevo producto buque insignia de la más importante feria fotográfica del mundo en 2012.
Leica M con zoom Apo-Elmarit-R 70-180 mm f/2.8 ASPH, visor electrónico Visoflex insertado en la zapata de accesorios y handgrip M multifuncional.
Tanto los profesionales como los aficionados avanzados usuarios de cámaras digitales mirrorless full frame 24 x 36 mm M9, M9-P y Monochrom, aún felices tanto por el gran rendimiento optomecánico de las nuevas cámaras full frame de serie M lanzados al mercado por la legendaria empresa fotográfica alemana desde 2009 como por el soberbio surtido de objetivos Leica M ASPH, los más pequeños y ligeros jamás fabricados para sensores digitales full frame 24 x 36 mm, generadores de una calidad de imagen referencial entre ISO 160 e ISO 1250 en color (M9 y M9-P) y entre ISO 160 e ISO 6400 en blanco y negro (Leica Monochrom) llevaban años deseando tener la posibilidad de usar sus muy apreciados objetivos fijos y zooms Leica R conectados a una cámara con sensor full frame digital capaz de sacar el máximo partido posible de su enorme potencial cualitativo óptico-mecánico, especialmente de aquellos con longitudes focales entre 100 mm y 800 mm, muchos de los cuales son la referencia mundial en sus respectivas longitudes focales y luminosidades, tales como el Apo-Macro-Elmarit-R 100 mm f/2.8, el Apo-Summicron-R 90 mm f/2 ASPH (increíblemente compacto), el Apo-Summicron-R 180 mm f/2 ASPH, el Apo-Elmarit-R 180 mm f/2.8 ASPH, el Apo-Telyt-R 280 mm f/4 e incluso los seis soberbios teleobjetivos que componen el impresionante Sistema Apo-Telyt-R Module (Apo-Telyt-R 280 mm f/2.8, Apo-Telyt-R 400 mm f/2.8, Apo-Telyt-R 400 mm f/4, Apo-Telyt-R 560 mm f/5.6 y Apo-Telyt-R 800 mm f/5.6), sin olvidar los cuatro zooms de élite Leica R: Vario-Elmar-R 21-35 mm f/3.5-4 ASPH (que puede ser utilizado sin problemas en fotografía de arquitectura), el Vario-Elmarit-R 35-70 mm f/2.8 ASPH, el Vario-Elmarit-R 28-90 mm f/2.8-4.5 ASPH y el Vario-Elmarit-R 70-180 mm f/2.8 ASPH.
Especialmente durante los últimos cuatro años, tanto las profundas investigaciones como las conferencias impartidas por James L. Lager, autoridad internacional en temas Leica, con respecto a las inmensas posibilidades de los Objetivos Leica R sobre sensores digitales full frame 24 x 36 mm, se habían anticipado a lo que estaba en camino, al igual que algunos intentos verderamente relevantes de conectar las soberbios objetivos Leica R a cámaras reflex profesionales como las Nikon D700, Nikon D3, Nikon D4, Canon EOS 5D, 5DII y otras, obteniéndose extraordinarios resultados, especialmente los logrados por la empresa Leitax.
Pero la gran ventaja - entre otras muchas - de la nueva Leica M y su recién nacido sensor full frame digital de 24 megapíxels es que preserva íntegramente su esencia de Leica M telemétrica, las dimensiones y peso muy compactos y la intrínseca capacidad de conexión del amplísimo surtido de ópticas Leica M, permitiendo a la vez el acoplamiento de los objetivos Leica R mediante un adaptador de gran calidad mecánica, en un muy pequeño y ligero cuerpo Leica M, de tamaño y peso mucho más reducido que el de las cámaras full frame profesionales de Canon, Nikon o Sony, y las indudables ventajas de comodidad de uso que ello supone, potenciadas por la posibilidad de elegir entre dos visores externos (el visor electrónico Visoflex y el Leica EVF2), que harán posible un excelente visionado y disparos a pulso incluso con los objetivos Leica R de mayor longitud focal, con una facilidad de agarre notablemente aumentada gracias al handgrip-M multifuncional dotado con GPS.
Leica M con el recién diseñado sensor full frame Max CMOS de 24 megapixels, muy avanzado ipm Leica Maestro, capacidad de grabación de video Full HD 1080, Live View y una conectividad integral con la muy amplia gama de objetivos Leica M y R de diferentes longitudes focales. Este es sin duda el nuevo producto más significativo e importante de la Photokina Köln 2012.
Leica M con zoom Vario-Elmarit-R 28-90 mm f/2.8-4.5 ASPH, con diferencia el mejor objetivo zoom standard jamás fabricado en el mundo, muy compacto para su gama de longitudes focales y enfoque manual mediante grupo frontal. La totalidad de sus elementos ópticos fueron tallados y pulidos con gran exactitud, incluyendo las dos superficies asféricas (una de ellas ubicada en el primer elemento del grupo delantero - que necesitó del uso de métodos exclusivos estado del arte de bruñido - y otra en el último elemento del grupo trasero), los dos elementos de vidrio óptico altamente refractivo, y los tres elementos ópticos con dispersión parcial anómala, todo lo cual produce una calidad de imagen incontestable fotografiando con toda la gama de longitudes focales, incluso a las mayores aberturas de diafragma. Además, este zoom posee tanto el mejor centrado de sus elementos como la más sofisticada y eficaz construcción mecánica (que optimiza el desplazamiento de los grupos de elementos ópticos)
desarrollados hasta la fecha en un zoom de su clase, lo cual constituyó un dificilísimo tour de force óptico para Leica, que finalmente pudo resolver.
El zoom Vario-Elmarit 28 mm f/2.8-4.5 ASPH, presentado el 1 de Diciembre de 2003, fue un diseño enormemente innovador y rompedor de moldes, que se anticipó en muchos años a la calidad óptica y mecánica que sería necesaria en el futuro para la sinergia de los objetivos zoom profesionales con las cámaras de sensor full frame (tema de gran dificultad en bordes y esquinas), una proeza óptica y mecánica en sí mismo, que incluye una extraordinaria precisión de ensamblaje de sus componentes y los mejores vidrios ópticos disponibles, todo lo cual le convierte en una especie única en sí mismo,y para cuya fabricación se utilizó la tecnología más avanzada en máquinas CNC de tallado y pulido de elementos asféricos así como herramientas especiales diseñadas ex profeso para su construcción, lo cual tuvo como resultado un objetivo zoom profesional todo terreno de altísimo rendimiento que Leica deseaba pudiera usarse tanto en fotografía angular y standard como de teleobjetivo, abarcando géneros tan distintos como el paisaje, la fotografía de viajes, retrato, deportes, etc, conectado a las cámaras full frame digitales (comenzando con el Leica R Modul híbrido) que pudiera crear durante las siguiente décadas,
consiguiendo un poder de resolución y contraste en cada longitud focal específica de su rango entre 28 y 90 mm comparable a las mejores ópticas fijas en cada una de las cinco focales utilizadas más habitualmente (28 mm, 35 mm, 50 mm, 75 mm y 90 mm).
Es superior óptica y mecánicamente a los excelentes Canon EF 24-70 mm f/2.8 L II USM, Nikkor AF-S 24-70 mm f/2.8G ED y Olympus Zuiko 14-35 mm f/2 ED SWD para formato 4/3 (equivalente a un 28-70 f/2.8 en full frame, debido a su mucha mayor profundidad de campo a diafragmas abiertos), obteniendo mejor calidad de imagen, especialmente en bordes y esquinas.
Sobre la parte superior de la nueva Leica M de 24 megapíxels se aprecia el visor electrónico Visoflex, que se inserta en la zapata de accesorios y permite el uso de objetivos Leica R.
Es el núcleo de la nueva Leica M y ha sido creado en colaboración con CMOSIS, una empresa belga de primerísimo nivel dedicada al diseño y fabricación de sensores CMOS muy avanzados, habiendo conseguido trascender el uso de la compresión no lineal de la señal como método para contrarrestar la habitual limitación de rango dinámico, mediante un dispositivo especial de lectura de píxels, desarrollando un nuevo píxel que permite una lectura de fotodiodo con muy amplia gama dinámica y que mantiene una respuesta lineal a la luz.
Por otra parte, la tecnología Global Shutter Pixel desarrollada por CMOSIS aúna una notable eficacia de obturador con un insignificante ruido de lectura, gracias a un muestreo doble correlacionado, además de ser la única tecnología Global Shutter Pixel compatible con dispositivos de iluminación backside, siendo todo ello catalizado por convertidores AD de columna extremadamente rápidos y precisos.
Aunque hasta ahora el impresionante rendimiento óptico-mecánico de los objetivos Leica M ASPH ha permitido a la Leica M9 y Leica M9-P obtener una impresionante calidad de imagen, propia del formato medio, con extraordinarios archivos DNG entre ISO 160 y 1250 (algo verdaderamente significativo, ya que tres años es mucho tiempo en la presente industria fotográfica digital en la que la tecnología avanza a ritmo vertiginoso), estaba claro que la rápida capacidad de renovación tecnológica de marcas como Sony con sus sensores estado del arte full frame 24 x 36 mm, Canon y Fuji (con el gran sensor digital formato APS-C de su cámara Fuji X-Pro 1, que en combinación con sus soberbios y muy luminosos objetivos produce una calidad de imagen más perteneciente al ámbito del full frame) iban por delante del sensor CCD full frame KAF-18500 de 18 megapixels de las Leica M9 y Leica M9-P.
También era evidente que el tremendo poder de resolución y contraste de los objetivos Leica M ASPH iba muchísimo más allá de las capacidades del sensor 24 x 36 mm Kodak KAF-18500, por lo que Leica Camera AG ha decidido muy sabiamente utilizar este nuevo captor digital full frame Max CMOS de 24 megapixels, que es probablemente el mejor sensor 24 x 36 mm presentado en esta Photokina 2012, junto con el Sony CMOS Exmor de 24 megapixels compartido por la dslr full frame SLT 99 y la excelente cámara compacta full frame de objetivo fijo permanentemente acoplado Sony RX1, la primera de su especie aparecida en el mundo.
Teniendo en cuenta los impresionantes resultados obtenidos durante estos años recientes por la Leica M9 y M9-P con el anteriormente mencionado sensor CCD de tres años de antigüedad, pocas dudas pueden quedar para tener la certeza de que la simbiosis entre el nuevo cuerpo de cámara Leica M, el sensor full frame Max CMOS de 24 megapixels, el ipm Maestro (tecnología de la Leica S2) y la muy amplia gama de soberbios objetivos Leica M ASPH producirá una calidad de imagen verdaderamente estratosférica, con asombrosa gama dinámica, grandes capacidades a ISOS altos hasta 6.400 y la profundidad de color inherente a los mejores sensores full frame existentes.
Evidentemente, parece claro que en estos momentos el mejor sensor full frame del mercado es el CMOS Exmor de 24 megapixels e ipm Bionz de la Sony RX1 (idéntico al que incorpora la Sony SLT 99), con soberbio rango dinámico, gran profundidad de color, impresionantes capacidades a isos altos y extremadamente altos (nativos hasta 25.600 e incluso 102.400 utilizando la opción multiframe).
No obstante, parece que algo verdaderamente grande se ha estado moviendo en Leica durante los pasados meses hasta encontrar la fórmula adecuada de sensor full frame 24 x 36 mm capaz de sinergizar al máximo con los objetivos Leica M ASPH de gran luminosidad, cuyo nivel cualitativo excede con creces todos los sensores existentes hoy en día.
Andreas Kaufmann comentó durante la fiesta de presentación de la nueva Leica M de 26 megapíxels en Köln, que el nuevo sensor full frame Max CMOS de 24 megapíxels "es superior a los sensores CMOS existentes en otras cámaras", lo cual no deja de ser significativo, ya que los sensores full frame de la Sony RX1, Sony SLT 99, Nikon D800 y D600 son extraordinarios y con unas enormes capacidades a isos altos y muy altos..
Parece claro que tanto por limitación iso de la nueva Leica M de 24 megapíxels (6400) como por trayectoria previa de Leica en el ámbito digital, en el que la empresa fotográfica alemana ha dado más importancia a otros factores que contribuyen decisivamente a la mayor calidad de imagen posible, la nueva Leica M full frame no tendrá las tremendas capacidades de las mencionadas cámaras full frame de Sony y Nikon a isos extremadamente altos.
Entonces, ¿A qué puede estar refiriéndose Andreas Kaufmann?
En mi opinión, existe una alta posibilidad de que pueda referirse a que el nuevo sensor full frame Max CMOS de 24 megapíxels posea el mejor rango dinámico generado hasta la fecha por un captor digital full frame, y ello tendría sentido, ya que la batalla de Leica no está centrada en tratar de obtener descomunales sensibilidades entre 12.000 y 50.000 isos e incluso llegar hasta iso 100.000 o superiores, sin duda notables logros tecnológicos, si bien parece claro, como ya han manifestado muchos fotógrafos profesionales, que con una capacidad iso hasta 6.400 se está más que sobrado para resolver tirando a pulso la inmensa mayoría de situaciones fotográficas que puedan presentarse.
Los usuarios de cámaras Leica M y objetivos M conocen muy bien la tremenda adecuación de este sistema fotográfico para la fotografía a pulso sin trepidación, que es su biotopo natural donde mejor se maneja, aprovechando el muy pequeño tamaño de cámara para su formato, la ausencia de espejo y la gran luminosidad, poco peso y escaso tamaño de sus ópticas, por lo que un sensor que llegue hasta iso 6400 probablemente sea más que suficiente.
Así pues, la prioridad de Leica era conseguir crear un sensor que extraiga el máximo partido posible de objetivos como el Summicron-M 28 mm f/2 ASPH, Summilux-M 35 mm f/1.4 ASPH, Summicron-M 35 mm f/2 ASPH, Summilux-M 50 mm f/1.4 ASPH, Apo-Summicron-M 50 mm f/2 ASPH, Apo-Summicron-M 75 mm f/2 ASPH, Apo-Summicron-M 90 mm f/2 ASPH y otros.
Y los indicios apuntan a que la empresa CMOSIS se ha superado a sí misma.
Conseguir un sensor full frame estado del arte que simultaneara el máximo poder de resolución y contraste tecnológicamente viable con un rango tonal sin precedentes en el ámbito de los captores digitales 24 x 36 mm, así como una muy destacada profundidad y precisión de color, todo ello complementado por una más que notable acutancia, era el único camino posible para Leica y también para CMOSIS, STMicroelectronics y algunas pequeñas empresas tecnológicas alemanas, que han aunado esfuerzos fabricando diferentes componentes del nuevo captor digital Max CMOS de 24 megapíxels, ya que trabajar para una firma del prestigio de Leica Camera AG, significaba para todos ellos una oportunidad única que había que aprovechar.
Así pues, si ya de por sí la Leica M9 ha estado tres años aguantando muy bien con un CCD Kodak KAF-18500 de 18 megapíxels (gracias en gran medida a la calidad incontestable de las ópticas Leica M ASPH), la nueva Leica M con sensor Max CMOS (fabricado conforme a muy estrictas especificaciones de Leica, emulando al máximo posible la calidad de imagen de lo mejor de lo mejor existente hoy en día en CCDs, pero aumentando notablemente el rendimiento a isos altos hasta 6.400 y posibilitando a la vez la grabación de video HD 1080), pocas dudas pueden quedar para tener la certeza de que la nueva Leica M de 24 megapíxels en asociación con el ipm Maestro y los objetivos Leica M ASPH, producirá una imagen mucho más nítida y detallada, junto con un excepcional rango tonal y acutancia.
Aunque su gran capacidad para aceptar la inmensa mayoría de objetivos Leica R será sin duda un rasgo muy apreciado en esta cámara, no debe olvidarse que la nueva Leica M es ante todo y para todo una cámara telemétrica Leica M digital full frame 24 x 36 mm, ciertamente la más evolucionada de su especie (iniciada en 1954 con la Leica M3) y con diferencia la más completa y versátil fabricada hasta la fecha, y que aumenta hasta niveles increíbles las capacidades y alcance del Sistema Leica M Digital, que se verá a partir de ahora muchísimo más consolidado si cabe, añadiendo enormes niveles cualitativos en ámbitos como la grabación de video Full HD 1080, Live View, GPS incorporado en el handgrip multifuncional, EVFs y muchos otros nuevos rasgos.
Cincuenta y ocho años después del lanzamiento al mercado de la Leica M3 diseñada por Willi Stein, que marcó el comienzo del Sistema Mirrorless Leica M Telemétrico, y tres años después de la creación de la Leica M9, primera cámara Leica M mirrorless digital full frame de la historia, la legendaria empresa fotográfica alemana acaba de presentar la nueva Leica M, dotada con sensor full frame Max CMOS de 24 megapixels
Daniel Zirinsky, autoridad en temas Leica y fotógrafo con cámaras sin espejo Leica tanto en montura de rosca como bayoneta M durante sesenta y cuatro años. Nacido en 1927, fue uno de los primeros usuarios del Sistema Mirrorless Full Frame Leica M desde mediados de los años cincuenta, poco después de la presentación de la Leica M3 en 1954 y posee una de las mejores bibliotecas de Literatura Leica del mundo, incluyendo manuales originales de instrucciones e información sobre modelos especiales de cámaras que le fueron proporcionados por Ernst Leitz III. Aquí aparece con una Leica 1 Model C Standard Mount de 1931 (la primera cámara compacta mirrorless full frame de la historia con ópticas intercambiables, gracias a una flange distance fija de 28.8 mm hasta el plano de película) con Leitz Elmar 5 cm f/3.5 y estuche de cuero sólido Leitz. La nueva Leica M de 24 megapíxels recién presentada constituye la cúspide cualitativa óptico-mecánica y de versatilidad de las cámaras compactas mirrorless full frame Leica de ópticas intercambiables, que iniciaron su andadura en 1931. Photo: José Manuel Serrano Esparza
La nueva Leica M full frame de 24 megapíxels con Summilux-M 50 mm f/1.4 ASPH. Este modelo cumbre en la historia de las cámaras Leica M continúa obviamente poseyendo su rasgo más esencial: un excelente visor óptico 0.68x dotado con telémetro de coincidencia que es una obra maestra de ingeniería óptica y mecánica, y que seguirá siendo el método de enfoque para los objetivos Leica M. En la parte superior de la cámara, e insertado en la zapata de accesorios, podemos ver el EVF Visoflex, que permite el uso del muy amplio surtido de objetivos Leica R, incluyendo los teleobjetivos de mayor longitud focal. Justo debajo de la letra blanca M, ligeramente a la derecha, podemos ver el botón Focus Peaking, que activa la magnificación Live View 10x, que realza tanto al sujeto como sus contornos mediante un ingenioso y muy eficaz dispositivo optimizado para las zonas más contrastadas, cuyos bordes son enfatizados con color rojo para conseguir un enfoque de gran precisión con las ópticas Leica R.
y que incluye una notable cantidad de nuevas funciones y mejoras como la posibilidad de utilizar la muy amplia gama de excelentes objetivos Leica R entre 21 y 800 mm, grabación de video Full HD 1080, Live View con un zoom 10x que permite una gran exactitud de enfoque con teleobjetivos medios y largos, EVF Visoflex, handgrip multifuncional que permite un muy cómodo manejo de la cámara fotografiando a pulso con objetivos Leica R de distancia focal larga, GPS, marcas brillantes de encuadre para cada objetivo acoplado mediante un sofisticado sistema de iluminación con LEDS parecido al de la Leica M9 Titanium, etc.
Sólo hace siete años, en 2005, era totalmente impensable el muy importante salto cualitativo y de versatilidad del Sistema Leica M que acaba de producirse con la aparición de la nueva cámara Leica M con sensor de 24 megapíxels, marcando claramente el comienzo de una nueva etapa en un sistema que ha demostrado su valía durante casi sesenta años.
De hecho, la fiesta de presentación de la nueva Leica M full frame con sensor Max CMOS de 24 megapíxels en Colonia, durante la Photokina 2012, estuvo cargada de simbolismo e historia, y constituyó un significativo homenaje a un sistema fotográfico que con sus grandes cualidades (y limitaciones, que obviamente también las tiene) ha protagonizado muchas de las páginas más gloriosas de la historia de la fotografía, viviéndose momentos de intensa emoción, con presencia de Kim Phuc, Barbara Klemm, Nick Ut, Steve McCurry, David Burnett, Sara T´Rula, Anthony Suau, Jens Steffen Galster, Matthias Frei, Thorsten Overgaard, Birgit Krippner, Andreas Kaufmann, Alfred Schopf, Stefan Daniel, Christian Erhardt, Kelsey Fain, Jesko von Oeynhausen, David Farkas y muchas otras personalidades relacionadas con la marca Leica y su devenir diacrónico.
Gracias a esta función, activada mediante un botón específico LV ubicado en la parte trasera de la cámara, los fotógrafos y aficionados avanzados equipados con la nueva Leica M tendrán acceso a posibilidades fotográficas completamente nuevas, pudiendo sacar el máximo partido de la gran calidad de imagen obtenida tanto con los objetivos Leica M como R, trascendiendo notablemente las capacidades de la fotografía clásica con Leicas M telemétricas.
Además, la opción de zoom Live View permite una magnificación 10x (que se pone en marcha al pulsar un botón plateado rodeado por aro concéntrico negro situado en la parte delantera de la cámara, cerca de la ventanilla del telémetro, tras lo cual el fotógrafo gradúa a su gusto el grado de zoom mediante una rueda de mando ubicada en la parte trasera derecha de la cámara), y la muy útil función Live View Focus Peaking realza al sujeto y sus contornos, lo cual ayuda mucho a la hora de conseguir un enfoque extremadamente preciso.
Es cierto que la precisión de enfoque con el telémetro de la cámara con los objetivos Leica M es excelente, pero la posibilidad de utilizar tanto el EVF Visoflex insertado en la zapata de accesorios como la confirmación de enfoque correcto en pantalla al utilizar los objetivos Leica R (en especial los de longitudes focales medias y teleobjetivos entre 180 y 800 mm) conectados mediante adaptador especial Leica, es algo de enorme utilidad.
Apo-Macro-Elmarit-R 100 mm f/2.8 con fórmula óptica compuesta por 8 elementos en 6 grupos. Genuino diseño Doble-Gauss llevado al límite y una de las mejores ópticas fotográficas existentes, obtiene un impresionante poder de resolución y contraste, siendo todavía uno de los patrones mundiales en tal faceta, destacando también por su extraordinaria calidad mecánica.
Objetivos como éste fueron hechos para soportar un duro uso profesional durante muchas décadas, manteniendo en todo momento un funcionamiento y fiabilidad impecables.
Apo-Telyt-R 400 mm f/2.8 de 10 elementos en 8 grupos, con diseño en multiconfiguración, compuesto por un grupo frontal con 4 elementos, un grupo central con 3 elementos y un grupo trasero con 5 elementos. Auténticas joyas óptico-mecánicas Leica R como ésta extenderán notablemente su vida operativa en sinergia con el sensor full frame estado del arte de 24 megapíxels Max CMOS de la nueva Leica M y el EVF Visoflex insertado en la zapata de accesorios.
El Sistema Apo-Telyt-R consta de tres módulos de enfoque diferentes y dos cabexas ópticas de acoplamiento que se conectan mediante un muy preciso ajuste de bayoneta con el que se consigue el centrado adecuado, de tal manera que al agregar la cabeza óptica más pequeña, se pueden utilizar los módulos de enfoque para crear un 280 mm f/2.8, un 400 mm f/4 y un 560 mm f/5.6, mientras que al ensamblar la cabeza óptica más grande se puede obtener un 400 mm f/2.8, un 560 mm f/4 y un 800 mm f/5.6.
La nueva Leica M de 24 megapíxels se convierte pues en la ansiada solución para la plena integración digital de los legendarios objetivos Leica R que alcanzaron sus mayores cotas cualitativas óptico-mecánicas durante la etapa del gran equipo de la Oficina de Diseño Óptico de Leica Camera AG, dirigido por Lothar Kölsch, y que contó con diseñadores de objetivos de talla mundial como Sigrun Kammans, Horst Schröder y Peter Karbe a partir de 1990 con el establecimiento de un centro de competencia para tecnología de superficies asféricas en Solms.
Acaba de iniciarse una nueva vida digital para los legendarios objetivos Leica R, y el Live View permitirá a los fotógrafos y aficionados avanzados que manejen la nueva cámara Leica M full frame de 24 megapíxels componer utilizando la imagen real creada por el objetivo acoplado, con un total control de la profundidad de campo, exposición, precisión de encuadre, y un enfoque de enorme exactitud utilizando la opción Live View Focusing, con la inestimable ayuda de la pantalla TFT de 3 pulgadas que permite una minuciosa evaluación del sujeto a través del objetivo, y la expansión del sistema al ámbito de la fotografía macro y con teleobjetivos de longitudes focales medias, largas y muy largas, un campo de acción que hasta ahora estaba fuera del alcance del Sistema Leica M.
Este es otro de los aspectos más importantes de la nueva Leica M, ya que las Leica M9 y M9-P son capaces de conseguir impresionante calidad de imagen entre ISO 160 e ISO 1250 y muy buena a ISO 2000 (tal y como demostró Brian Bower con sus fotos de la Torre Eiffel) si la exposición es precisa, pero los tremendos avances tecnológicos realizados por Canon, Nikon y Sony con sus sensores full frame a altas y muy altas sensibilidades han hecho que Leica cambie el sensor Kodak CCD KAF-18500 de 18 megapixels por el muy superior sensor CMOS Max full frame de 24 megapixels, que de ahora en adelante será un elemento clave en conexión con el ipm Maestro y los objetivos Leica M ASPH, produciendo muy probablemente la mejor calidad de imagen generada por una cámara digital formato 24 x 36 mm de ópticas intercambiables, junto con la también mirrorless y compacta Sony RX1 y su sensor full frame estado del arte CMOS Exmor de 24 megapixels con ipm Bionz.
Apo-Telyt-R 280 mm f/4 de 7 elementos en 6 grupos, el mejor teleobjetivo construido hasta la fecha en el rango 280-300 mm. Da una calidad de imagen a f/4 superior a los extraordinarios Canon EF 300 mm f/2.8 IS II, Carl Zeiss Tele-Apotessar T* 300 mm f/2.8, AFS Nikkor 300 mm f/2.8 G ED VR II y Olympus Zuiko Auto-T 350 mm f/2.8 ED-IF. La opción de usar la nueva Leica M (que pesa 690 gramos, es decir, 110 gramos menos que la Leica R9 - medidas de 158 x 101 x 62 mm - y con dimensiones mucho más pequeñas - 139 x 42 x 80 mm - ) dotada con un sensor Max CMOS full frame estado del arte de 24 megapíxels conectado a esta maravilla de diseño óptico y mecánico (limitado por difracción a f/5.6 y que da mejor calidad de imagen a f/4 que a f/8) para tirar a pulso o monopie a isos altos sin golpe de espejo réflex, con mucha menor trepidación y movimiento de cámara que con las dslr full frame, lo cual tendrá como resultado una mayor nitidez de las imágenes al fotografiar tanto con el Apo-Telyt-R 280 mm f/4 como con el resto de teleobjetivos y zooms Leica R de focal larga puede ser algo verdaderamente relevante. Y el Leica Apo-Extender-R 1.4 x acoplado al Apo-Telyt-R 280 mm f/4 permite obtener un 400 mm f/5.6 de muy alto rendimiento óptico en simbiosis con la nueva Leica M.
Ni que decir tiene que la posibilidad de utilizar los objetivos Leica M y R de diferentes longitudes focales tirando a pulso a altas sensibilidades hasta ISO 6400 con apenas degradación en calidad de imagen, puede ser un auténtico deleite y abrirá nuevas posibilidades a la hora de fotografiar en contextos de luminosidad extremadamente baja sin usar flash y preservando la genuina atmósfera del lugar y momento.
La Leica M es una herramienta fotográfica profesional de muy alto nivel, fabricada con los metales más nobles, principalmente aleación de magnesio en la mayor parte del cuerpo, reforzado por latón en el panel superior e inferior.
Además, la cámara está muy protegida contra la humedad, el polvo y la lluvia, con sellado de caucho, superando claramente en esta faceta a la Leica M9 y M9-P.
Zona trasera de la nueva Leica M full frame de 24 megapíxels. En la zona superior derecha se aprecia un dial moleteado plateado (que puede utilizarse tras presionar el botón Focus Peaking Mode ubicado bajo la letra M blanca de la parte delantera de la cámara y la tecla LV ubicada junto a la zona superior izquierda de la pantalla TFT de 3 pulgadas). Al tiempo que la vamos girando, aumentaremos progresivamente el factor de ampliación, hasta alcanzar la máxima ampliación de 10x. Utilizar este método de enfoque con diseños ultraluminosos de Walter Mandler como el Noctilux-M 50 mm f/1 y el Summilux-M 75 mm f/1.4 realzando a los sujetos fotografiados y desenfocando los fondos con muy bellos bokehs podría ser algo perfectamente alcanzable con un control de la precisión de enfoque y de la profundidad de campo mucho mayor de lo posible hasta ahora con cámaras Leica M.
Es otro de los aspectos más relevantes de la nueva Leica M, y está fabricada con vidrio especial antirayado de gran dureza Gorilla Glass.
La nueva Leica M con sensor de 24 megapíxels Max CMOS posee otro rasgo importante heredado en gran medida nada menos que de la Leica M9 Titanium: la iluminación mediante LEDs de las líneas brillantes de demarcación de encuadre de cada objetivo en el visor.
De este modo, las líneas luminosas de demarcación de encuadre para objetivos de diferentes longitudes focales conectables, aparecen en la nueva Leica M iluminados con LEDs, mostrando en color rojo o blanco las líneas de encuadre de una longitud focal específica (la del objetivo que esté acoplado en cada momento), en vez de mostrar simultáneamente las líneas luminosas de demarcación de encuadre de dos longitudes focales distintas cada vez que se acopla un objetivo o bien previamente por medio de una palanca selectora de encuadres, tal y como ocurre con la Leica M9 y la M9-P.
Al igual que con la Leica M9 Titanio (cuyas líneas de demarcación de encuadre de objetivos de diferentes longitudes focales aparecen en color rojo), en la nueva Leica M las longitudes focales son leídas por un sistema electrónico basado en una fuente luminosa artificial que proyecta líneas de demarcación de encuadre rojas o blancas (que se adaptan a las condiciones lumínicas de cada lugar donse se esté fotografiando) iluminadas por LEDs, que han sustituido a la tradicional ventana introductora de luz natural de doble proyección dentro del visor con las líneas de demarcación de encuadre correspondientes a objetivos de distintas longitudes focales, que funciona gracias a un prolijo sistema de máscaras, cuyo origen se remonta al visor patentado en 1941 por Willi Stein, que estaba dotado con líneas luminosas de demarcación basadas en el Segundo Principio de Albada, junto con un espejo plano semitransparente que incluía una lente de colimación para las líneas brillantes de demarcación de encuadre, en combinación con un telémetro telescópico de prisma.
Pese a la crisis económica imperante a nivel mundial, la presente Photokina 2012 ha sido en mi opinión muy interesante, con cuatro hitos que han marcado claramente la más importante feria fotográfica a nivel internacional:
a) La presentación por Sony de la excelente RX1, la primera cámara compacta full frame digital con óptica fija de la historia, con gran belleza de líneas y un sensor CMOS Exmor de 24 megapíxels de gran poder de resolución y contraste, así como soberbio rango tonal y profundidad de color.
b) La presentación por Leica de la nueva cámara full frame de 24 megapíxels Leica M, dotada con una amplia variedad de nuevas funciones y capacidades qua amplían notablemente el campo de acción del Sistema Leica M e incluso le adentran en el ámbito de la grabación Full Digital HD de muy alta calidad, además de permitir el acoplamiento de los objetivos Leica R.
c) La presentación por Nikon de la Nikon D600, con una formidable relación calidad/precio y un excelente sensor full frame con enormes capacidades a isos altos.
d) La presentación por Canon de la Canon 6D full frame 24 x 36 mm, que junto con la Nikon D600 ha marcado quizá un punto de inflexión a partir del cual se producirá una bajada de precios generalizada de las cámaras dslr full frame como tendencia.
lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012
José Manuel Serrano Esparza
Leica has just announced the bombshell of this Photokina Köln 2012: The Leica M, a really masterful unexpected gamble which instantly becomes the flagship of the most important photographic fair in the world of this year 2012.
Leica M with Apo-Elmarit-R 70-180 mm f/2.8 ASPH zoom lens, Visoflex electronic viewfinder and multifunctional M handgrip.
Both the professionals and advanced connoiseurs using Leica M rangefinder digital cameras like the M9, M9-P and M Monochrom, though happy with the great opto-mechanical performance of the new full frame Leica M series cameras which have been created by the legendary German photographic firm since 2009 and the superb assortment of Leica M aspherical lenses, the smallest and lightest ones ever made for full frame 24 x 36 mm digital sensors, and delivering an image quality second to none between ISO 160 and ISO 1250 in colour (M9 and M9-P) and between ISO 160 and ISO 6400 in black and white (Leica Monochrom) have been yearning after having the chance of using their beloved Leica R lenses and zooms connected to a digital full frame sensor able to exploit as much as possible their huge potential, specially with those sporting focal lengths between 100 mm and 800 mm, many of them world benchmarks in their focal lengths and luminosities like the Apo-Macro Elmarit-R 100 mm f/2.8, the Apo-Summicron-R 90 mm f/2 ASPH (incredibly compact), the Apo-Summicron-R 180 mm f/2 ASPH, the Apo-Elmarit-R 180 mm f/2.8 ASPH, the Leica Apo-Telyt-R 280 mm f/4, and even the six top-notch teleobjectives belonging to the amazing Apo-Telyt-R Module System (Apo-Telyt-R 280 mm f/2.8, Apo-Telyt-R 400 mm f/2.8, Apo-Telyt-R 400 mm f/4, Apo-Telyt-R 560 mm f/4, Apo-Telyt-R 560 mm f/5.6, and Apo-Telyt-R 800 mm f/5.6), without forgetting the four elite Leica R zooms: Vario-Elmar-R 21-35 mm f/3.5-4 ASPH (which can be flawlessly used in architectural shots), the Vario-Elmarit-R 35-70 mm f/2.8 ASPH, the Vario-Elmarit-R 28-90 mm f/2.8-4.5 ASPH and the Vario-Elmarit-R 70-180 mm f/2.8 ASPH
Specially during the last four years, the deep research made and the lectures given by James L. Lager, international authority on Leica topics, on the immense possibilities of Leica R Lenses on full frame digital 24 x 36 mm sensors had foreseen what was in the way, along with some really remarkable attempts to connect the amazing Leica R Lenses on superb full frame professional reflex cameras like Nikon D700, Nikon D3, Nikon D4, Canon EOS 5D, 5DII, etc, attaining great results, specially implemented by Leitax firm.
But the great advantage - among many others - of the new Leica M and its just born state-of-the-art 24 megapixel CMOS full frame digital sensor is that it utterly preserves its M camera nature, very compact dimensions and inherent ability to connect the highly comprehensive array of Leica M lenses, and at the same time enables the attachment of all the Leica R lenses in existence through a top-notch quality adapter, it all with a very little and light Leica M body, much smaller than the professional full frame dslrs from Canon, Nikon or Sony, and the great advantages of comfort of use it means, enhanced by the two choices of external viewfinders (the Visoflex electronic viewfinder and the Leica EVF2), which will make possible a very good vision and shooting handheld or with monopods even with the longest Leica R lenses, with a fostered handling easiness provided by the multifunctional handgrip-M.
Leica M with a newly designed 24 Megapixel Max CMOS image sensor, highly advanced Leica Maestro ipm, Full HD video capability, Live View and full connectivity with the highly comprehensive array of legendary both Leica M and R Lenses. This is undoubtedly the most significant new product of this Photokina Köln 2012.
Leica M with the 11 elements in 8 groups Vario-Elmarit-R 28-90 mm f/2.8-4.5 ASPH zoom lens, with difference the best professional standard zoom ever made, very compact for its range of focal lengths and focusing by means of the front group. All of the elements are grinded, including the two amazing aspherical surfaces (one of them located in the front element - which required a state-of-the-art exclusive precision grinding and polishing method for it - and the other one in the most back element), the two lens elements of highly refractive glass, and the three elements with anomalous partial dispersion, it all resulting in an impressive second to none image quality across the entire range of focal lengths, even at the widest apertures. Besides, it boasts both the best centering of elements and the most advanced, complex and efficient mechanical scheme (optimizing the lens groups shift) ever implemented in a zoom of its class, which was a conundrum highly successfully solved by Leica, which also managed to build a highly complex mechanical scheme.
The Vario-Elmarit-R 28-90 mm lens presented on December 1 2003, was a highly breakthrough design many years ahead of its time, which anticipated the optical and mechanical quality which would be necessary to match the professional zooms with cameras featuring state-of-the-art full frame image sensors (a very difficult mission to tackle, particularly in borders and corners), an optical and mechanical tour de force in itself, featuring an extraordinary assembly accuracy and the best available optical glasses, turning it into a breed of its own and using the most advanced CNC machines and tool drive contrivances specially developed for this astounding all-around performer, with which Leica managed to build a zoom lens that could be used throughout the telephoto and wide angle ranges connected to the full frame digital cameras that Leica could create (beginning with the hybrid Leica R Modul) in the following decades,
delivering a resolving power, sharpness and contrast at every focal length of its range between 28 and 90 mm comparable to the best primes at each one of those five most common fixed focal lengths (28 mm, 35 mm, 50 mm, 75 mm and 90 mm).
It is optically and mechanically better than the excellent Canon EF 24-70 mm f/2.8 L II USM, Nikkor AF-S 24-70 mm f/2.8G ED and the Olympus Zuiko 14-35 mm f/2 ED SWD (equivalent to a 28-70 mm f/2.8 in full frame, because the 4/3 format features much more depth of field), delivering a superior image quality, specially in borders and corners.
On top of the new Leica M camera can be seen the Visoflex EVF, which is inserted in the hotshoe, allowing the use of Leica R lenses.
It is the core of the new Leica M and it is the fruit of a strategic cooperation between Leica Camera AG and CMOSIS, a first-class Belgian firm based in Antwerp and devoted to the creation of very advanced CMOS image sensors, having managed to go beyond the usage of the non linear compression of the signal as a way to tackle the usual limitation of dynamic range by the pixel readout mechanism, developing a new pixel that enables a photodiode readout with a wide dynamic range, which keeps a linear reponse to light.
On the other hand, the global shutter pixel technology implemented by CMOSIS joins together a remarkable shutter efficiency with low read noise by means of a correlated double sampling, as well as being the only global shutter pixel technology compatible with backside illumination devices, it all being fostered by exceedingly fast and accurate column AD converters.
The new custom-designed sensor chip, featuring 6,000 x 4,000 pixels on a 6 x 6 microns/m2 grid across the active area of 36 x 24 mm2, is manufactured by STMicroelectronics (STM) in Grenoble (France), using 300 mm wafers in their IMG175 CIS technology.
The imager for the Leica M is based on a 6 x 6 microns/m2 pixel size, delivering a linear full capacity of 40,000 electrons and a linear dynamic range approaching 76dB.
Pixel data are digitized by patented low-power, high speed 14-bit column AD converters, and the sensor sports an electronic rolling shutter with global reset and noise cancellation through both analog as well as digital correlated double sampling (CDS) resulting in low temporal and spatial noise and non-uniformities.
Special care was taken in the sensor development to reduce crosstalk between neighbouring pixels for a wide range of incident angles. The sensor reduces spatial crosstalk by its very small distance between colur filters and photodiodes. This thin optical stack is optimized for an efficient light coupling into the silicon. Microlenses with a strong curvature and high top height focus the incoming light rays in the center of each pixel´s photodiode, and the resulting low angular sensitivity of the quantum efficiency (QE) at high ray angles was attained by the special features of STM´s 110/90nm CMOS process. It all allows the new Leica M to accept the full assortment of high quality lenses in the camera system, which includes wideangle, large aperture lenses, at their utter optical performance.
Pixel size of 6 x 6 microns/m2 and full frame rate of 5fps are state of the art and comparable to other high end CMOS image sensors used in full frame 24 x 36 mm cameras.
On the other hand, the full frame 24 megapixel CMOS sensor also allows Leica to offer, for the first time, full HDTV video recording and a Live View preview on a Leica M camera.
And power consumption of the sensor chip at full speed and resolution is specified at 700 mW, being housed in a 78-pin ceramic package covered by a customized glass with antireflective coating and near infrared cut-off filter.
Most of the technology and internal components of the full frame 24 megapixel Leica Max CMOS sensor is made in France and Germany, and its extremely low power consumption provide great benefits for image quality and battery life alike.
Though until now the amazing optical and mechanical performance of the Leica M aspherical lenses has anabled the Leica M9 and M9-P to deliver a great image quality with superb DNG archives second to none between ISO 160 and 1250 (something really astounding, because three years are a lot of time in the current digital photographic industry), it was clear that the full blast speed of technology of brands like Sony with its world class digital full frame sensors and Fuji with the great APS-C sensor of its Fuji X-Pro 1 (which in combination with its superb very luminous lenses delivers an image quality more belonging to the full frame scope) were ahead of the 18 megapixel Kodak KAF 18500 CCD of the Leica M9.
It was also clear that the tremendous resolving power and contrast of the Leica M aspherical lenses went clearly far beyond the capabilities of the Kodak KAF-18500, so Leica camera AG has wisely decided to use this new full frame 24 megapixel Leica Max CMOS sensor, which is probably the best 24 x 36 mm digital captor presented in this Photokina Köln 2012 together with the 24 megapixel Sony CMOS Exmor shared by the Sony SLT 99 and the excellent fixed lens compact full frame camera Sony RX1.
Bearing in mind the outstanding results attained during these recent years by the Leica M9 and M9-P with the aforementioned three years old sensor, there can be little doubt to be sure that the symbiosis between the new Leica M body, the 24 megapixels Max CMOS sensor, the Maestro ipm (technology from the Leica S2) and the superb assortment of Leica M aspherical lenses will deliver a really stratospheric image quality, with staggering dynamic range, impressive high ISO capabilities and the deep color and quality inherent to the cream of full frame sensors.
Evidently, it seems clear that the best full frame image sensor in the market presently is the 24 megapixel CMOS Exmor and ipm Bionz of the fixed lens Sony RX1 (identical to the one featured by the Sony SLT full frame camera with intercahngeable lenses), boasting a superb dynamic range, grea colour depth, impressive capabilities at high and extremely high ISOS (native ones up to 25,600, and being able to reach 102,400 using the multiframe choice).
Nevertheless, its eems that something really great has been moving in Leica during the last months until finding a suitable formula of full frame 24 x 36 mm sensor able to draw the maximum possible potential of the highly luminous Leica M ASPH lenses, whose quality level goes far beyond all the 24 x 36 mm sensors currently existing.
During the presentation party of the new 26 megapixel Leica M in Köln, Andreas Kaufmann commented that the new 24 megapixel full frame Max CMOS sensor ´is superior to the existing CMOS of other cameras´, which is highly meaningful, since the full frame CMOS sensors of the Sony RX1, Sony LST 99, Nikon D800 and D600 are extraordinary and feature huge capabilities at high and very high isos.
Therefore, it seems apparent that both because of iso limits (6,400) of the new 24 megapixel Leica M and the previous background of Leica in the digital scope, in which Leica has given more importance to other factors decisively leading to the maximum possible of image quality, the new full frame 24 megapixel Leica M won´t have the tremendous capabilities of the aforementioned excellent full frame cameras from Sony and Nikon.
Then, what could be Andreas Kaufmann be speaking about?
In my viewpoint, there is a high probability that he was referring to the fact that the new full frame 24 megapixel Max CMOS could deliever the best dynamic range generated hitherto by a full frame digital captor.
And it could make sense, because Leica aims are not focused in striving after getting colossal sensitivities between 12.000 ISO and 50.000 ISO and even reaching 100,000 ISO or more, undoubtedly remarkable technological breakthroughs, though it seems clear, as many professional photographers have explained, that with an ISO capability up to 6,400 you have got more then necessary sensitivity to tackle shooting handheld vast majority of photographic contexts or assignments.
The users of Leica M cameras and lenses do know very well the tremendous suitability of this photographic system for hand and wrist shooting without any trepidation, which is its natural biotope where it works better, taking advantage of the very small camera size for its format, the lack of mirror and the great luminosity, very light weight and exceedingly small size of its lenses, so a full frame sensor with sensitivity capability up to 6,400 ISO is probably more than enough.
Therefore, Leica priority was to manage to create a top-notch full frame sensor drawing the maximum possible image quality of world class M lenses like the Summicron-M 28 mm f/2 ASPH, Summilux-M 35 mm f/1.4 ASPH, Summicron-M 35 mm f/2 ASPH, Summilux-M 50 mm f/1.4 ASPH, Apo-Summicron-M 50 mm f/2 ASPH, Apo-Summicron-M 75 mm f/2 ASPH, Apo-Summicron-M 90 mm f/2 ASPH and others.
And the clues suggest that CMOSIS firm has risen above itself.
To achieve a state-of-the-art full frame sensor combining the maximum resolving power and contrast technologically feasible, with an unprecedented dynamic range in the sphere of the 24 x 36 mm digital captors, along with an amazing colour depth and accuracy, it all complemented by a remarkable acutance, was the only way for Leica and also for CMOSIS, STMicroelectronics and some small German technological concerns, which have shared strenuous efforts manufacturing different components of the new 24 megapixel Max COMOS image sensor, because working for a firm with the prestige of Leica Camera Ag was for all of them a unique oportunity to avail themselves of.
This way, if the Leica M9 has been enduring things very well for three years with a 18 megapixel CCD Kodak KAF-18500 (greatly thanks to the unmatched quality of the Leica M ASPH lenses), the new Leica M featuring a 24 megapixel Max CMOS (made accoring to very stringent specifications given by Leica, emulating to the utmost the image quality of the cream of currently existing CCDs, but greatly increasing the performance at high isos up to 6,400 and simultaneously making possible the full HD 1080 video recording), there can be little doubts to have the certainty that the new 24 megapixel Leica M in association with the Maestro ipm and the Leica M ASPH lenses, will deliver a much sharper and detailed image than the Leica M9 and M9-P, together with exceptional tonal range and acutance, perhaps approaching in colour to the results obtained in black and white by the Leica Monochrom.
Though its great capability to accept vast majority of Leica R Lenses will be a highly esteemed feature of this camera, we mustn´t forget that first and foremost it is a digital full frame 24 x 36 mm Leica M rangefinder camera, truly the best ever and with difference the most complete manufactured hitherto, increasing the capabilities and scope of the Leica M System to incredible levels which will consolidate the Leica M Full Format Digital System even more, getting high marks in spheres like Full HD 1080 Video, Live View, built-in GPS in the M handgrip, EVFs and many other new features.
Fifty-eight years after the launching into market of the Leica M3 designed by Willi Stein, which marked the beginning of the Mirrorless Leica M Rangefinder System,
Daniel Zirinsky, an authority on Leica topics. He has been a photographer with Leica screwmount and M cameras for sixty-four years since 1948. Born in 1927, he was one of the first users of mirrorless full frame Leica M System of Cameras and Lenses in mid fifties, just after the launching of the Leica M3 in Photokina Köln 1954, and he has got one of the best Leica Literature libraries in the world, including original instruction books and information on the rarest cameras given to him by Ernst Leitz III. Here he appears with a Leica 1 Model C Standard Mount from 1931 (the first full frame compact mirrorless camera with interchangeable lenses in the world, thanks to a lens mounting flange to film plane distance fixed at 28.8 mm) with Leitz Elmar 5 cm f/3.5 and solid leather case. The new 24 megapíxels Leica M just presented is the opto-mechanical and versatility quality pinnacle of the compact mirrorless full frame cameras with interchangeable lenses, whose history began in 1931. Photo: José Manuel Serrano Esparza
and three after the inception of the Leica M-9, the first digital full frame Leica M camera in history, the legendary German photographic firm has just presented the new Leica M featuring a 24 megapixel Max CMOS image sensor
The new 24 megapixel full frame Leica M with Summilux-M 50 mm f/1.4 ASPH lens. This pinnacle model of the M series camera history goes on featuring the core of it: an exceedingly accurate masterpiece RF 0.68x optical viewfinder, which will keep on being the focusing method for Leica M lenses. On top of the camera and attached on the hotshoe, we can see the EVF Visoflex, which enables the use of top-notch Leica R lenses, including the ones featuring the longest focal lengths. Just under the white letter M, slightly on the right, we can see the Focus Peaking Button activating the Live View 10x magnification option enhancing the subject and contours through a nifty device biased for the most contrasted zones, whose borders are emphasized with red colour to achieve a highly accurate focus with Leica R lenses.
and including a number of new significant features and improvements like the possibility of using the very wide range of top-notch Leica R lenses between 21 and 800 mm, Full HD 1080 video recording, Live View with an exceedingly accurate 10x zoom enabling a very precise focusing with medium and long tele lenses, Visoflex EVF, multifunctional handgrip enabling a very comfortable handling shooting handheld with long focal distance Leica R objectives, GPS, bright framelines for each M coupled lens through a highly sophisticated system of illumination with LEDs similar to the one used by the Leica M9 Titanium, and others.
Only seven years ago, in 2005, it was absolutely unthinkable the very significant leap in quality and versatility of Leica M System which has just taken place with the appearance of the new mirrorless full frame 24 megapixel Leica M, clearly setting up the beginning of a new stage in a photographic system that has proved its capabilities for almost sixty years, amd which is the most enduring photographic system along with the Nikon F one created by Masahiko Fuketa in 1959.
As a matter of fact, the presentation party of the new 24 megapixel Leica M in Cologne (Germany), during the previous day to the opening of Photokina 2012, was full of symobolism and history, and became a homage to a photographic system which with its great qualities (and limitations that also sports) has captured many of the most glorious pages in the History of Photography, and moments of deep emotion were lived, with the presence of Kim Phuc, Barbara Klemm, Nick Ut, Steve McCurry, David Burnett, Sara T´Rula, Anthony Suau, Jens Steffen Galster, Matthias Frei, Thorsten Overgaard, Birgit Krippner, Andreas Kaufmann, Alfred Schopf, Stefan Daniel, Christian Erhardt, Kelsey Fain, Jesko von Oeynhausen, David Farkas and many other personalities related with Leica brand and its history.
Thanks to this function, activated through a specific LV button for it located on the back of the camera, photographers equipped with the new Leica M will have access to utterly new photographic chances, being able to take advantage of the remarkable performance of both Leica M and R Lenses, going far beyond the capabilities of rangefinder M photography.
Besides, the Live View zoom option enables 10x magnification, with a highly useful Focus Peaking function activated through a round button placed on the front of the camera, just under the white M letter, slightly on the right, which highlights the subject and its contours to help to attain an exceedingly accurate focusing.
It is true that the focusing accuracy with the rangefinder of the camera with Leica M lenses is excellent, but the possibility of using correct focusing confirmation on the screen on using the Leica R lenses (specially medium range lenses and long teleobjectives between 180 and 800 mm) coupled through a special Leica adapter, is very helpful.
Apo-Macro-Elmarit-R 100 mm f/2.8, featuring 8 elements in 6 groups. A genuine Double-Gauss design taken to the limit and one of the best lenses ever made, delivering an amazing resolving power and contrast, being currently one of the world benchmarks in that regard, also boasting an oustanding mechanical construction.
Lenses like this were made to professionally being used for many decades of flawless working.
A new digital life has just begun for the legendary Leica R lenses, and the Live View will enable the photographers handling the new full frame 24 megapixels Leica M camera to compose using the real image made by the lens, with utter control of depth of field, exposure, accurate framing and exceedingly precise focusing with the Live View Focusing choice, with the invaluable help of the 3 " TFT screen allowing a very thorough evaluation of the subject seen through the lens, and the flawless expansion of the system into macro and medium, long and very long telephoto domain, until now out of reach of the Leica M System
This is another of the most important sides of the new Leica M, because the Leica M9 and M9-P are able to get impressive image quality between ISO 160 and 1250, and very good at ISO 2000 ( as proved by Brian Bower) if the exposure is accurate, but the tremendous improvements made by Canon, Nikon, and Sony with their full frame sensors at high sensitivities have made Leica (among other factors) to change the three years old Kodak KAF-18500 CCD for this brand new and far superior state-of-the-art 24 megapixel Leica Max full frame 24 x 36 mm sensor, which from now on will be a key element in synergy with the Maestro ipm and the Leica M aspherical lenses to probably deliver the best existing image yielded by a full format digital camera along with the also mirrorless compact Sony RX1 and its state-of-the art CMOS Exmor 24 megapixel sensor with Bionz ipm.
Apo-Telyt-R 280 mm f/4 featuring 7 elements in 6 groups, the best long telephoto lens in the range 280-300 mm ever made, with a potential of brutal resolving power around 260 lines/mm which goes far beyond the capabilities of Kodak Technical Pan, Adox CMS 20 and Argenti Nanotomic-X b & w films. It is better at f/4 than the extraordinary Canon 300 mm f/2.8 IS II, Carl Zeiss Tele-Apotessar T* 300 mm f/2.8, AFS Nikkor 300 mm f/2.8 G ED VR II and Olympus Zuiko Auto-T 350 mm f/2.8 ED-IF. The chance of using the new full frame 24 megapixel Leica M (which weighs 680 g, id est, 110 g less than the Leica R9 - 790 g, featuring measures of 158 x 101 x 62 mm- and much smaller in dimensions -139 x 42 x 80 mm - ) with its state-of-the-art 24 x 36 mm Max CMOS image sensor connected to this wonder of optical and mechanical design (diffraction limited at f/5.6, and delivering better image quality at f/4 than at f/8) for handheld or monopod shooting at high isos without the reflex mirror bump, with a much lesser camera shake and trepidation than dslr full frame cameras, bringing about higher sharpness in the pictures on photographing both with the Apo-Telyt-R 280 mm f/4 and the rest of Leica R long teleobjectives and zooms, could be something really great. And the Leica Apo-Extender-R 1.4 x attached to the Apo-Telyt-R 280 mm f/4 makes possible to have a very high performance 400 mm f/5.6 lens coupled to the new Leica M.
Needless to say that the possibility of using the Leica M and R aspherical lenses of different focal lengths shooting handheld with the new full frame 24 megapixels Leica M camera at high sensitivities up to ISO 6400 with hardly any degradation in image quality, can be a relish and will open new chances of making photographs in extremely dim environments without using flash and keeping the genuine atmosphere of the location and moment.
The Leica M is a truly professional workhorse, manufactured with the most noble metals, mainly magnesium alloy in most of the body, reinforced by brass on top and bottom plates.
Besides, the camera is very well protected against moisture, dust and rain, with rubber seals, clearly beating in this regard the Leica M9 and M9-P.
Back view of the new full frame 24 megapixel Leica M camera. On top right we see the knurled thumb dial (which can be used after pressing the front Focus Peaking Mode button located under the M white letter of the camera front and the LV key on top left of the 3 inch TFT screen). As we progressively turn it, we´ll be increasing the magnification until reaching 10x magnification. To use this focusing method with highly luminous amazing Walter Mandler´s designs like Noctilux-M 50 mm f/1 and Summilux-M 75 mm f/1.4 highlighting the photographed subjects and rendering amazing bokehs could be something perfectly attainable with a control of both focusing accuracy and depth of field much higher than what was possible hitherto with Leica M cameras.
It is another of the significant new features of the new full frame Leica M, being made from special hard anti-scratch Gorilla Glass.
The new Leica M with 24 megapixel full frame Max CMOS has a further significant feature greatly inherited nothing less than from the Leica M9 Titanium: the LED illumination of the bright-line frames in the viewfinder.
This way, the Leica M brightline frames in the viewfinder for lenses of different focal lengths are illuminated with LEDs, showing in red or white colour the frame lines of a specific focal length - the one of the attached lens at every moment- , instead of showing the frame of two focal lengths at the same time once a specific lens is attached or previously by means of a frame selector lever as happens with the Leica M-9 and M9-P.
In the same way as happens with the Leica M9 Titanium (whose LED lit framelines were only in red), in the new Leica M the focal lengths are read by means of an electronic system based on an artificial luminous source sporting red or white frame lines (adapting themselves to the lighting levels of every place) illuminated by LEDs which have replaced the traditional window introducing natural light that projected in pairs within the viewfinder with the framing lines corresponding to lenses of various focal lengths thanks to a complex system of masks, whose origin dates back to the viewfinder patented in 1941 by Willi Stein with bright-line frames and founded upon the second Albada Principle, a flat semitransparent mirror featuring a collimation lens for the bright-line frames which combines with a prism telescopic rangefinder.
In spite of the widespread economical crisis, in my viewpoint this Photokina 2012 has been very interesting, with four milestones which have clearly marked the largest and most important photographic fair in the world:
a) The presentation by Sony of the excellent RX1, the first digital full frame camera with fixed lens in history, featuring a great beauty of lines and a state-of-the-art 24 megapixel CMOS Exmor featuring a great resolving power and contrast, along with a superb tonal range and colour depth.
b) The presentation by Leica of the new full frame 24 megapixel Leica M, featuring a comprehensive array of new functions and capacities which outstandingly increase the scope of Leica M System, including the sphere of HD 1080 full digital video recording of very high quality, as well as enabling the coupling of Leica R lenses.
c) The presentation by Nikon of the full frame dslr Nikon D600, with a remarkable price/performance ratio and an excellent 24 x 36 mm CMOS sensor featuring huge capabilities at high and very high isos.
d) The presentation by Canon of the full frame dslr Canon 6d, which together with the Nikon D600 may have meant a turning point from which there will be a generalized price drop of full frame dslr cameras as a market trend.
Leica has just announced the bombshell of this Photokina Köln 2012: The Leica M, a really masterful unexpected gamble which instantly becomes the flagship of the most important photographic fair in the world of this year 2012.
Leica M with Apo-Elmarit-R 70-180 mm f/2.8 ASPH zoom lens, Visoflex electronic viewfinder and multifunctional M handgrip.
Both the professionals and advanced connoiseurs using Leica M rangefinder digital cameras like the M9, M9-P and M Monochrom, though happy with the great opto-mechanical performance of the new full frame Leica M series cameras which have been created by the legendary German photographic firm since 2009 and the superb assortment of Leica M aspherical lenses, the smallest and lightest ones ever made for full frame 24 x 36 mm digital sensors, and delivering an image quality second to none between ISO 160 and ISO 1250 in colour (M9 and M9-P) and between ISO 160 and ISO 6400 in black and white (Leica Monochrom) have been yearning after having the chance of using their beloved Leica R lenses and zooms connected to a digital full frame sensor able to exploit as much as possible their huge potential, specially with those sporting focal lengths between 100 mm and 800 mm, many of them world benchmarks in their focal lengths and luminosities like the Apo-Macro Elmarit-R 100 mm f/2.8, the Apo-Summicron-R 90 mm f/2 ASPH (incredibly compact), the Apo-Summicron-R 180 mm f/2 ASPH, the Apo-Elmarit-R 180 mm f/2.8 ASPH, the Leica Apo-Telyt-R 280 mm f/4, and even the six top-notch teleobjectives belonging to the amazing Apo-Telyt-R Module System (Apo-Telyt-R 280 mm f/2.8, Apo-Telyt-R 400 mm f/2.8, Apo-Telyt-R 400 mm f/4, Apo-Telyt-R 560 mm f/4, Apo-Telyt-R 560 mm f/5.6, and Apo-Telyt-R 800 mm f/5.6), without forgetting the four elite Leica R zooms: Vario-Elmar-R 21-35 mm f/3.5-4 ASPH (which can be flawlessly used in architectural shots), the Vario-Elmarit-R 35-70 mm f/2.8 ASPH, the Vario-Elmarit-R 28-90 mm f/2.8-4.5 ASPH and the Vario-Elmarit-R 70-180 mm f/2.8 ASPH
Specially during the last four years, the deep research made and the lectures given by James L. Lager, international authority on Leica topics, on the immense possibilities of Leica R Lenses on full frame digital 24 x 36 mm sensors had foreseen what was in the way, along with some really remarkable attempts to connect the amazing Leica R Lenses on superb full frame professional reflex cameras like Nikon D700, Nikon D3, Nikon D4, Canon EOS 5D, 5DII, etc, attaining great results, specially implemented by Leitax firm.
But the great advantage - among many others - of the new Leica M and its just born state-of-the-art 24 megapixel CMOS full frame digital sensor is that it utterly preserves its M camera nature, very compact dimensions and inherent ability to connect the highly comprehensive array of Leica M lenses, and at the same time enables the attachment of all the Leica R lenses in existence through a top-notch quality adapter, it all with a very little and light Leica M body, much smaller than the professional full frame dslrs from Canon, Nikon or Sony, and the great advantages of comfort of use it means, enhanced by the two choices of external viewfinders (the Visoflex electronic viewfinder and the Leica EVF2), which will make possible a very good vision and shooting handheld or with monopods even with the longest Leica R lenses, with a fostered handling easiness provided by the multifunctional handgrip-M.
Leica M with a newly designed 24 Megapixel Max CMOS image sensor, highly advanced Leica Maestro ipm, Full HD video capability, Live View and full connectivity with the highly comprehensive array of legendary both Leica M and R Lenses. This is undoubtedly the most significant new product of this Photokina Köln 2012.
Leica M with the 11 elements in 8 groups Vario-Elmarit-R 28-90 mm f/2.8-4.5 ASPH zoom lens, with difference the best professional standard zoom ever made, very compact for its range of focal lengths and focusing by means of the front group. All of the elements are grinded, including the two amazing aspherical surfaces (one of them located in the front element - which required a state-of-the-art exclusive precision grinding and polishing method for it - and the other one in the most back element), the two lens elements of highly refractive glass, and the three elements with anomalous partial dispersion, it all resulting in an impressive second to none image quality across the entire range of focal lengths, even at the widest apertures. Besides, it boasts both the best centering of elements and the most advanced, complex and efficient mechanical scheme (optimizing the lens groups shift) ever implemented in a zoom of its class, which was a conundrum highly successfully solved by Leica, which also managed to build a highly complex mechanical scheme.
The Vario-Elmarit-R 28-90 mm lens presented on December 1 2003, was a highly breakthrough design many years ahead of its time, which anticipated the optical and mechanical quality which would be necessary to match the professional zooms with cameras featuring state-of-the-art full frame image sensors (a very difficult mission to tackle, particularly in borders and corners), an optical and mechanical tour de force in itself, featuring an extraordinary assembly accuracy and the best available optical glasses, turning it into a breed of its own and using the most advanced CNC machines and tool drive contrivances specially developed for this astounding all-around performer, with which Leica managed to build a zoom lens that could be used throughout the telephoto and wide angle ranges connected to the full frame digital cameras that Leica could create (beginning with the hybrid Leica R Modul) in the following decades,
delivering a resolving power, sharpness and contrast at every focal length of its range between 28 and 90 mm comparable to the best primes at each one of those five most common fixed focal lengths (28 mm, 35 mm, 50 mm, 75 mm and 90 mm).
It is optically and mechanically better than the excellent Canon EF 24-70 mm f/2.8 L II USM, Nikkor AF-S 24-70 mm f/2.8G ED and the Olympus Zuiko 14-35 mm f/2 ED SWD (equivalent to a 28-70 mm f/2.8 in full frame, because the 4/3 format features much more depth of field), delivering a superior image quality, specially in borders and corners.
On top of the new Leica M camera can be seen the Visoflex EVF, which is inserted in the hotshoe, allowing the use of Leica R lenses.
It is the core of the new Leica M and it is the fruit of a strategic cooperation between Leica Camera AG and CMOSIS, a first-class Belgian firm based in Antwerp and devoted to the creation of very advanced CMOS image sensors, having managed to go beyond the usage of the non linear compression of the signal as a way to tackle the usual limitation of dynamic range by the pixel readout mechanism, developing a new pixel that enables a photodiode readout with a wide dynamic range, which keeps a linear reponse to light.
On the other hand, the global shutter pixel technology implemented by CMOSIS joins together a remarkable shutter efficiency with low read noise by means of a correlated double sampling, as well as being the only global shutter pixel technology compatible with backside illumination devices, it all being fostered by exceedingly fast and accurate column AD converters.
The new custom-designed sensor chip, featuring 6,000 x 4,000 pixels on a 6 x 6 microns/m2 grid across the active area of 36 x 24 mm2, is manufactured by STMicroelectronics (STM) in Grenoble (France), using 300 mm wafers in their IMG175 CIS technology.
The imager for the Leica M is based on a 6 x 6 microns/m2 pixel size, delivering a linear full capacity of 40,000 electrons and a linear dynamic range approaching 76dB.
Pixel data are digitized by patented low-power, high speed 14-bit column AD converters, and the sensor sports an electronic rolling shutter with global reset and noise cancellation through both analog as well as digital correlated double sampling (CDS) resulting in low temporal and spatial noise and non-uniformities.
Special care was taken in the sensor development to reduce crosstalk between neighbouring pixels for a wide range of incident angles. The sensor reduces spatial crosstalk by its very small distance between colur filters and photodiodes. This thin optical stack is optimized for an efficient light coupling into the silicon. Microlenses with a strong curvature and high top height focus the incoming light rays in the center of each pixel´s photodiode, and the resulting low angular sensitivity of the quantum efficiency (QE) at high ray angles was attained by the special features of STM´s 110/90nm CMOS process. It all allows the new Leica M to accept the full assortment of high quality lenses in the camera system, which includes wideangle, large aperture lenses, at their utter optical performance.
Pixel size of 6 x 6 microns/m2 and full frame rate of 5fps are state of the art and comparable to other high end CMOS image sensors used in full frame 24 x 36 mm cameras.
On the other hand, the full frame 24 megapixel CMOS sensor also allows Leica to offer, for the first time, full HDTV video recording and a Live View preview on a Leica M camera.
And power consumption of the sensor chip at full speed and resolution is specified at 700 mW, being housed in a 78-pin ceramic package covered by a customized glass with antireflective coating and near infrared cut-off filter.
Most of the technology and internal components of the full frame 24 megapixel Leica Max CMOS sensor is made in France and Germany, and its extremely low power consumption provide great benefits for image quality and battery life alike.
Though until now the amazing optical and mechanical performance of the Leica M aspherical lenses has anabled the Leica M9 and M9-P to deliver a great image quality with superb DNG archives second to none between ISO 160 and 1250 (something really astounding, because three years are a lot of time in the current digital photographic industry), it was clear that the full blast speed of technology of brands like Sony with its world class digital full frame sensors and Fuji with the great APS-C sensor of its Fuji X-Pro 1 (which in combination with its superb very luminous lenses delivers an image quality more belonging to the full frame scope) were ahead of the 18 megapixel Kodak KAF 18500 CCD of the Leica M9.
It was also clear that the tremendous resolving power and contrast of the Leica M aspherical lenses went clearly far beyond the capabilities of the Kodak KAF-18500, so Leica camera AG has wisely decided to use this new full frame 24 megapixel Leica Max CMOS sensor, which is probably the best 24 x 36 mm digital captor presented in this Photokina Köln 2012 together with the 24 megapixel Sony CMOS Exmor shared by the Sony SLT 99 and the excellent fixed lens compact full frame camera Sony RX1.
Bearing in mind the outstanding results attained during these recent years by the Leica M9 and M9-P with the aforementioned three years old sensor, there can be little doubt to be sure that the symbiosis between the new Leica M body, the 24 megapixels Max CMOS sensor, the Maestro ipm (technology from the Leica S2) and the superb assortment of Leica M aspherical lenses will deliver a really stratospheric image quality, with staggering dynamic range, impressive high ISO capabilities and the deep color and quality inherent to the cream of full frame sensors.
Evidently, it seems clear that the best full frame image sensor in the market presently is the 24 megapixel CMOS Exmor and ipm Bionz of the fixed lens Sony RX1 (identical to the one featured by the Sony SLT full frame camera with intercahngeable lenses), boasting a superb dynamic range, grea colour depth, impressive capabilities at high and extremely high ISOS (native ones up to 25,600, and being able to reach 102,400 using the multiframe choice).
Nevertheless, its eems that something really great has been moving in Leica during the last months until finding a suitable formula of full frame 24 x 36 mm sensor able to draw the maximum possible potential of the highly luminous Leica M ASPH lenses, whose quality level goes far beyond all the 24 x 36 mm sensors currently existing.
During the presentation party of the new 26 megapixel Leica M in Köln, Andreas Kaufmann commented that the new 24 megapixel full frame Max CMOS sensor ´is superior to the existing CMOS of other cameras´, which is highly meaningful, since the full frame CMOS sensors of the Sony RX1, Sony LST 99, Nikon D800 and D600 are extraordinary and feature huge capabilities at high and very high isos.
Therefore, it seems apparent that both because of iso limits (6,400) of the new 24 megapixel Leica M and the previous background of Leica in the digital scope, in which Leica has given more importance to other factors decisively leading to the maximum possible of image quality, the new full frame 24 megapixel Leica M won´t have the tremendous capabilities of the aforementioned excellent full frame cameras from Sony and Nikon.
Then, what could be Andreas Kaufmann be speaking about?
In my viewpoint, there is a high probability that he was referring to the fact that the new full frame 24 megapixel Max CMOS could deliever the best dynamic range generated hitherto by a full frame digital captor.
And it could make sense, because Leica aims are not focused in striving after getting colossal sensitivities between 12.000 ISO and 50.000 ISO and even reaching 100,000 ISO or more, undoubtedly remarkable technological breakthroughs, though it seems clear, as many professional photographers have explained, that with an ISO capability up to 6,400 you have got more then necessary sensitivity to tackle shooting handheld vast majority of photographic contexts or assignments.
The users of Leica M cameras and lenses do know very well the tremendous suitability of this photographic system for hand and wrist shooting without any trepidation, which is its natural biotope where it works better, taking advantage of the very small camera size for its format, the lack of mirror and the great luminosity, very light weight and exceedingly small size of its lenses, so a full frame sensor with sensitivity capability up to 6,400 ISO is probably more than enough.
Therefore, Leica priority was to manage to create a top-notch full frame sensor drawing the maximum possible image quality of world class M lenses like the Summicron-M 28 mm f/2 ASPH, Summilux-M 35 mm f/1.4 ASPH, Summicron-M 35 mm f/2 ASPH, Summilux-M 50 mm f/1.4 ASPH, Apo-Summicron-M 50 mm f/2 ASPH, Apo-Summicron-M 75 mm f/2 ASPH, Apo-Summicron-M 90 mm f/2 ASPH and others.
And the clues suggest that CMOSIS firm has risen above itself.
To achieve a state-of-the-art full frame sensor combining the maximum resolving power and contrast technologically feasible, with an unprecedented dynamic range in the sphere of the 24 x 36 mm digital captors, along with an amazing colour depth and accuracy, it all complemented by a remarkable acutance, was the only way for Leica and also for CMOSIS, STMicroelectronics and some small German technological concerns, which have shared strenuous efforts manufacturing different components of the new 24 megapixel Max COMOS image sensor, because working for a firm with the prestige of Leica Camera Ag was for all of them a unique oportunity to avail themselves of.
This way, if the Leica M9 has been enduring things very well for three years with a 18 megapixel CCD Kodak KAF-18500 (greatly thanks to the unmatched quality of the Leica M ASPH lenses), the new Leica M featuring a 24 megapixel Max CMOS (made accoring to very stringent specifications given by Leica, emulating to the utmost the image quality of the cream of currently existing CCDs, but greatly increasing the performance at high isos up to 6,400 and simultaneously making possible the full HD 1080 video recording), there can be little doubts to have the certainty that the new 24 megapixel Leica M in association with the Maestro ipm and the Leica M ASPH lenses, will deliver a much sharper and detailed image than the Leica M9 and M9-P, together with exceptional tonal range and acutance, perhaps approaching in colour to the results obtained in black and white by the Leica Monochrom.
Though its great capability to accept vast majority of Leica R Lenses will be a highly esteemed feature of this camera, we mustn´t forget that first and foremost it is a digital full frame 24 x 36 mm Leica M rangefinder camera, truly the best ever and with difference the most complete manufactured hitherto, increasing the capabilities and scope of the Leica M System to incredible levels which will consolidate the Leica M Full Format Digital System even more, getting high marks in spheres like Full HD 1080 Video, Live View, built-in GPS in the M handgrip, EVFs and many other new features.
Fifty-eight years after the launching into market of the Leica M3 designed by Willi Stein, which marked the beginning of the Mirrorless Leica M Rangefinder System,
Daniel Zirinsky, an authority on Leica topics. He has been a photographer with Leica screwmount and M cameras for sixty-four years since 1948. Born in 1927, he was one of the first users of mirrorless full frame Leica M System of Cameras and Lenses in mid fifties, just after the launching of the Leica M3 in Photokina Köln 1954, and he has got one of the best Leica Literature libraries in the world, including original instruction books and information on the rarest cameras given to him by Ernst Leitz III. Here he appears with a Leica 1 Model C Standard Mount from 1931 (the first full frame compact mirrorless camera with interchangeable lenses in the world, thanks to a lens mounting flange to film plane distance fixed at 28.8 mm) with Leitz Elmar 5 cm f/3.5 and solid leather case. The new 24 megapíxels Leica M just presented is the opto-mechanical and versatility quality pinnacle of the compact mirrorless full frame cameras with interchangeable lenses, whose history began in 1931. Photo: José Manuel Serrano Esparza
and three after the inception of the Leica M-9, the first digital full frame Leica M camera in history, the legendary German photographic firm has just presented the new Leica M featuring a 24 megapixel Max CMOS image sensor
and including a number of new significant features and improvements like the possibility of using the very wide range of top-notch Leica R lenses between 21 and 800 mm, Full HD 1080 video recording, Live View with an exceedingly accurate 10x zoom enabling a very precise focusing with medium and long tele lenses, Visoflex EVF, multifunctional handgrip enabling a very comfortable handling shooting handheld with long focal distance Leica R objectives, GPS, bright framelines for each M coupled lens through a highly sophisticated system of illumination with LEDs similar to the one used by the Leica M9 Titanium, and others.
Only seven years ago, in 2005, it was absolutely unthinkable the very significant leap in quality and versatility of Leica M System which has just taken place with the appearance of the new mirrorless full frame 24 megapixel Leica M, clearly setting up the beginning of a new stage in a photographic system that has proved its capabilities for almost sixty years, amd which is the most enduring photographic system along with the Nikon F one created by Masahiko Fuketa in 1959.
As a matter of fact, the presentation party of the new 24 megapixel Leica M in Cologne (Germany), during the previous day to the opening of Photokina 2012, was full of symobolism and history, and became a homage to a photographic system which with its great qualities (and limitations that also sports) has captured many of the most glorious pages in the History of Photography, and moments of deep emotion were lived, with the presence of Kim Phuc, Barbara Klemm, Nick Ut, Steve McCurry, David Burnett, Sara T´Rula, Anthony Suau, Jens Steffen Galster, Matthias Frei, Thorsten Overgaard, Birgit Krippner, Andreas Kaufmann, Alfred Schopf, Stefan Daniel, Christian Erhardt, Kelsey Fain, Jesko von Oeynhausen, David Farkas and many other personalities related with Leica brand and its history.
Thanks to this function, activated through a specific LV button for it located on the back of the camera, photographers equipped with the new Leica M will have access to utterly new photographic chances, being able to take advantage of the remarkable performance of both Leica M and R Lenses, going far beyond the capabilities of rangefinder M photography.
Besides, the Live View zoom option enables 10x magnification, with a highly useful Focus Peaking function activated through a round button placed on the front of the camera, just under the white M letter, slightly on the right, which highlights the subject and its contours to help to attain an exceedingly accurate focusing.
It is true that the focusing accuracy with the rangefinder of the camera with Leica M lenses is excellent, but the possibility of using correct focusing confirmation on the screen on using the Leica R lenses (specially medium range lenses and long teleobjectives between 180 and 800 mm) coupled through a special Leica adapter, is very helpful.
Apo-Macro-Elmarit-R 100 mm f/2.8, featuring 8 elements in 6 groups. A genuine Double-Gauss design taken to the limit and one of the best lenses ever made, delivering an amazing resolving power and contrast, being currently one of the world benchmarks in that regard, also boasting an oustanding mechanical construction.
Lenses like this were made to professionally being used for many decades of flawless working.
Apo-Telyt-R 400 mm f/2.8 featuring a multiconfiguration design with 10 elements in 8 groups, integrated in a front group with 4 elements, a central group with 3 elements and a third group with 5 elements. Real Leica R optical and mechanical jewels like this will greatly extend their working life in synergy with the state-of-the-art 24 megapixel full frame Max CMOS image sensor of the new Leica M and the Visoflex EVF inserted in the hotshoe.
The APO Telyt system consists of three different focusing modules and two lens heads. They are connected via a locking bayonet fitting which attains the adequate alignment. Attaching the smaller head, you can use the focus modules to create a 280 f2.8, 400 f4, and 560 f5.6, while attaching the larger head you can get a 400 f2.8, 560 f4, and 800 f5.6.
This way, the Leica M turns into the craved solution for the full digital integration of the Leica R legendary objectives, which achieved their maximum opto-mechanical quality levels during the stage of the great team of the Leica Camera AG Office of Optical Design directed by Lothar Kölsch and which included some world class optical designers like Sigrun Kammans, Horst Schröeder and Peter Karbe from 1990, with the setting up of a competence center for aspherical lenses technology in Solms (Germany). A new digital life has just begun for the legendary Leica R lenses, and the Live View will enable the photographers handling the new full frame 24 megapixels Leica M camera to compose using the real image made by the lens, with utter control of depth of field, exposure, accurate framing and exceedingly precise focusing with the Live View Focusing choice, with the invaluable help of the 3 " TFT screen allowing a very thorough evaluation of the subject seen through the lens, and the flawless expansion of the system into macro and medium, long and very long telephoto domain, until now out of reach of the Leica M System
This is another of the most important sides of the new Leica M, because the Leica M9 and M9-P are able to get impressive image quality between ISO 160 and 1250, and very good at ISO 2000 ( as proved by Brian Bower) if the exposure is accurate, but the tremendous improvements made by Canon, Nikon, and Sony with their full frame sensors at high sensitivities have made Leica (among other factors) to change the three years old Kodak KAF-18500 CCD for this brand new and far superior state-of-the-art 24 megapixel Leica Max full frame 24 x 36 mm sensor, which from now on will be a key element in synergy with the Maestro ipm and the Leica M aspherical lenses to probably deliver the best existing image yielded by a full format digital camera along with the also mirrorless compact Sony RX1 and its state-of-the art CMOS Exmor 24 megapixel sensor with Bionz ipm.
Apo-Telyt-R 280 mm f/4 featuring 7 elements in 6 groups, the best long telephoto lens in the range 280-300 mm ever made, with a potential of brutal resolving power around 260 lines/mm which goes far beyond the capabilities of Kodak Technical Pan, Adox CMS 20 and Argenti Nanotomic-X b & w films. It is better at f/4 than the extraordinary Canon 300 mm f/2.8 IS II, Carl Zeiss Tele-Apotessar T* 300 mm f/2.8, AFS Nikkor 300 mm f/2.8 G ED VR II and Olympus Zuiko Auto-T 350 mm f/2.8 ED-IF. The chance of using the new full frame 24 megapixel Leica M (which weighs 680 g, id est, 110 g less than the Leica R9 - 790 g, featuring measures of 158 x 101 x 62 mm- and much smaller in dimensions -139 x 42 x 80 mm - ) with its state-of-the-art 24 x 36 mm Max CMOS image sensor connected to this wonder of optical and mechanical design (diffraction limited at f/5.6, and delivering better image quality at f/4 than at f/8) for handheld or monopod shooting at high isos without the reflex mirror bump, with a much lesser camera shake and trepidation than dslr full frame cameras, bringing about higher sharpness in the pictures on photographing both with the Apo-Telyt-R 280 mm f/4 and the rest of Leica R long teleobjectives and zooms, could be something really great. And the Leica Apo-Extender-R 1.4 x attached to the Apo-Telyt-R 280 mm f/4 makes possible to have a very high performance 400 mm f/5.6 lens coupled to the new Leica M.
Needless to say that the possibility of using the Leica M and R aspherical lenses of different focal lengths shooting handheld with the new full frame 24 megapixels Leica M camera at high sensitivities up to ISO 6400 with hardly any degradation in image quality, can be a relish and will open new chances of making photographs in extremely dim environments without using flash and keeping the genuine atmosphere of the location and moment.
The Leica M is a truly professional workhorse, manufactured with the most noble metals, mainly magnesium alloy in most of the body, reinforced by brass on top and bottom plates.
Besides, the camera is very well protected against moisture, dust and rain, with rubber seals, clearly beating in this regard the Leica M9 and M9-P.
Back view of the new full frame 24 megapixel Leica M camera. On top right we see the knurled thumb dial (which can be used after pressing the front Focus Peaking Mode button located under the M white letter of the camera front and the LV key on top left of the 3 inch TFT screen). As we progressively turn it, we´ll be increasing the magnification until reaching 10x magnification. To use this focusing method with highly luminous amazing Walter Mandler´s designs like Noctilux-M 50 mm f/1 and Summilux-M 75 mm f/1.4 highlighting the photographed subjects and rendering amazing bokehs could be something perfectly attainable with a control of both focusing accuracy and depth of field much higher than what was possible hitherto with Leica M cameras.
It is another of the significant new features of the new full frame Leica M, being made from special hard anti-scratch Gorilla Glass.
The new Leica M with 24 megapixel full frame Max CMOS has a further significant feature greatly inherited nothing less than from the Leica M9 Titanium: the LED illumination of the bright-line frames in the viewfinder.
This way, the Leica M brightline frames in the viewfinder for lenses of different focal lengths are illuminated with LEDs, showing in red or white colour the frame lines of a specific focal length - the one of the attached lens at every moment- , instead of showing the frame of two focal lengths at the same time once a specific lens is attached or previously by means of a frame selector lever as happens with the Leica M-9 and M9-P.
In the same way as happens with the Leica M9 Titanium (whose LED lit framelines were only in red), in the new Leica M the focal lengths are read by means of an electronic system based on an artificial luminous source sporting red or white frame lines (adapting themselves to the lighting levels of every place) illuminated by LEDs which have replaced the traditional window introducing natural light that projected in pairs within the viewfinder with the framing lines corresponding to lenses of various focal lengths thanks to a complex system of masks, whose origin dates back to the viewfinder patented in 1941 by Willi Stein with bright-line frames and founded upon the second Albada Principle, a flat semitransparent mirror featuring a collimation lens for the bright-line frames which combines with a prism telescopic rangefinder.
In spite of the widespread economical crisis, in my viewpoint this Photokina 2012 has been very interesting, with four milestones which have clearly marked the largest and most important photographic fair in the world:
a) The presentation by Sony of the excellent RX1, the first digital full frame camera with fixed lens in history, featuring a great beauty of lines and a state-of-the-art 24 megapixel CMOS Exmor featuring a great resolving power and contrast, along with a superb tonal range and colour depth.
b) The presentation by Leica of the new full frame 24 megapixel Leica M, featuring a comprehensive array of new functions and capacities which outstandingly increase the scope of Leica M System, including the sphere of HD 1080 full digital video recording of very high quality, as well as enabling the coupling of Leica R lenses.
c) The presentation by Nikon of the full frame dslr Nikon D600, with a remarkable price/performance ratio and an excellent 24 x 36 mm CMOS sensor featuring huge capabilities at high and very high isos.
d) The presentation by Canon of the full frame dslr Canon 6d, which together with the Nikon D600 may have meant a turning point from which there will be a generalized price drop of full frame dslr cameras as a market trend.
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